J-Jon – C.O.P ( Criminals Of Permission )

jjon0611 asked:

J-Jon - C.O.P ( Criminals Of Permission ) - VIRAL VIDEO VERSION


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  1. Just a reminder, because sometimes people forget:
    Not all cops are bad people. Yeah, some of them are downright disgusting,
    but many are legitimately there to Protect & Serve. Example: Being on the
    NYPD is a dangerous fucking job, and they deserve respect for the risks
    they take for our safety. Some small town in the south however, that’s
    where you’ll find most of the abusive shit happening, because many parts of
    the south still have remnants of heavy racism (Like in Ferguson, they
    hardly had any black people on the force.) So please, don’t just bash of
    cops in general, hate the evil ones.

  2. I guess it’s ok for 30 black guys beat some white dude half to death
    though. That’ll fix everything. 

  3. orangekid has a point. they take that racism to crazy levels too. as a
    woman people think I’m a copy of all women. guess what, we are
    individuals. and as far as this song, it is brilliant. I hope they never
    remove it from here. the fact they killed him and his video needs to stay
    viral until changes happen. honor this brave man.

  4. I like this song. But that shit is just fucked up, Rapping a school
    teacher, choking that guy to death, that shit is fucked up and it pisses me

  5. This is real rap! “If I commit murder I get 25 to life, but if a cop
    commits murder he only gets suspended” smh!!! 

  6. Just found out he was kidnapped and killed… RIP J-Jon. You’re career
    ended higher then ever

  7. +dick dingus since you felt it necessary to disable replies on your post,
    id like to point out i just searched “teacher raped by cop” on gGoogle and
    literally the entire first page, TEN results all come up with the Michael
    Pena story instantly quit fucking lying about how you “couldn’t find it”
    when u said that a week ago and every result is from feb of this year. so
    its not new either. If your gonna be lazy, at least own up to it when your
    called out on it.

  8. It’s come to the point where I’m more afraid of walking at night and
    getting stopped by the police than anything else. “What crime have you
    suspected me of? I do not consent to a search. You cannot search me without
    a warrant. Am I free to go? Mom I’ve been arrested. Mom she can’t walk. Mom
    they shot him. He is dead.” These are the lines I’m gonna have to
    rehearse. Don’t tell me I’m safe, the color of my skin can’t protect
    me. They’re coming after everyone, whites-blacks it doesn’t matter anymore.
    To them we are equally inferior.

  9. OMG stfu! If a cop ask you to do something, JUST DO IT!!! Stop trying to
    act like y’all are being victimized just cause your black and that they are
    singling y’all out from everyone else! Stupid song

  10. Some people dont even realise that this guy jus got killed a week after he
    made this video, which literally just proves his point even more. I am
    going to be completely honest with you, in african american communites or
    areas there is more likely to be crime, ‘some’ of them do break the law,
    ‘some’ of them kill. But white people kill to, so do latino people, so do
    asian people. What you racist bigoted people fail to understand is that jus
    becuz you see a few races or groups do things like break the law….doesnt
    mean every person associated with that group is the same. This is exactly
    the same with muslims and extermist-muslims, and the same with
    gay-pedofiles and gay people. You people need to understand that not
    everyone is the same, im black and im sick and tired of everything in this
    world that has to do with the black community being associated with murder,
    drugs and bad attitude, when i dont act like that, but still its what im
    going to be associated with in this judgemental society. Discrimination is
    just ignorance. If you agree with these brutal bigoted police who obviously
    think that everything black = bad and you some how think that eliminating
    them with make the world better. You are most surely mistaken, that would
    jus cause even more terror. Its all jus ignorance, how can you judge
    someone that quickly before you get to know them?

  11. Can i have a link to this “girl raped with permission” because i have never
    heard about this? 2:07

  12. Yeah hate all cops because of the evil 3% of them. Weird because i’m not
    white, And i’ve done a lot of stupid shit when i was younger. Yet, Every
    cop I’ve encountered was completely chill. I guess it might be because i
    live in California. Hope everyone stays safe out there. Make sure not to do
    illegal shit ;)



Cookies – Abs Benz & Baby Boy Robinson

Senselessness – Edai