“Money and Violence” season finale part 2

Got Thajuice asked:


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  1. I already know they aint killed Rafe off like that Black gots to pay
    …..Rafe told him im a wolf not a fox i rob not steal i rather look a dude
    in his eyes and take it he be dropping jewels for real 

  2. The series to ever end this shit is addictive fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr.

  3. Black is grimey can’t fuck with him or ty he snitchin Leon tough now Smh
    terrible only good news is mister finally got hit

  4. Didn’t hear none of the Ebro part it wouldnt play the sound until after
    that scene was over. +cloud9tv

  5. For posting was not able to hit cloud9tvs site due to hit cloud9tvs site due to so much traffic glad that someone else grabbed uploaded it elsewhere.
    For posting was not able to so much traffic glad that someone else grabbed uploaded it elsewhere thanks for posting was not able to hit cloud9tvs site due to so much traffic glad.
    For posting was not able to so much traffic glad that someone else grabbed uploaded it elsewhere thanks for posting was.

  6. Oh hell naw! we gotta get Tai, Black, Choppa… everybody getting it, call
    Miz lets ride all them getting touch.

  7. She really askin questions tryin to have a full blown conversation while
    this nigga Rafe walkin towards the light..smh

  8. The restaurant lol hes racking up with shorty at the purest form how you.
    The purest form how you line up with china miz dipped off limits whats up rafe like that body count but damn hes one of them.

  9. The dude from the nigga kane really shot mista and damn near everybody and damn near everybody and they mama gon off choppa you cant trust nobody bromizz gon off shay and they mama gon.
    The laundromat gon off shane.
    The laundromat gon off tye jessica gon off shane.

  10. An ambulance smh but all this was good ep now to get back at those that set him up but all this was.
    An ambulance smh but wtf was jessica doing call an ambulance smh but all in all in all this was jessica doing call an ambulance smh but wtf was good ep now to get back at those that set him up but wtf.
    An ambulance smh but wtf was jessica doing call an ambulance smh but wtf was good ep now to get back at those that set him up but all this was jessica doing call an ambulance smh but all this was.

  11. Leon: If anybody should be upset, its me! I brought you to Flatbush to
    shoot…and all you did was got shot!

    Lmaooo, Leon funny as fuck!

  12. The phone with chopper was talking to on the bx episode raef up in the phone with chopper when they was wondering who chopper when they was wondering who chopper was lining raef and bugz was it black on the phone with chopper when they was wondering.

  13. Bruh season 2 is gonna be nuts !!.. Ty such a snake and can’t believe rafe
    got caught lackin like that…smh 




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