YOU HAVE ASKED US WHEN WILL IT BE ON DVD, YOU HAVE ASKED US WHERE CAN I SEE IT? WELL NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO BE A PART OF HISTORY BY DONATING WHAT YOU CAN TO HELP GET THIS DOCUMENTARY RELEASED TO THE MASSES. PLEASE ANY DONATION IS NOT TOO SMALL OR TOO BIG AND ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO CLEARING ALL IMAGES, MUSIC, FOR THE COST OF MANUFACTURING THE DVDS, AND FOR OTHER PROJECTS RELATING TO THE RELEASE OF “RUBBLE KINGS” A FILM BY DIRECTOR SHAN NICHOLSON…. A BRIEF INTRO From 1968 to 1975, gangs ruled New York City. Beyond the idealistic hopes of the civil rights movement lay an unfocused rage. Neither law enforcement nor social agency could end the escalating bloodshed. Peace came only through the most unlikely and courageous of events that would change the world for generations to come by giving birth to hip-hop culture. Rubble Kings, the most comprehensive documentation of life during this era of gang rule to date, tells the story of how a few extraordinary, forgotten people did the impossible, and how their actions impacted the world over. Rubble Kings is a feature length documentary about the New York city street gangs of the late ’60s / ’70s and their influence on hip-hop culture. “The film’s lively roster of former Savage Skulls, Black Spades, Assassinators, Ghetto Brothers, Hitmen or Turban Queens, expressively recalling and explaining gang culture, is matched only by its flood of down-and-dirty archival imagery.” Independent and self …
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