Rest In Peace King Capital Steez


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  1. Look up- Capital Steez Documentary on youtube it’s hard to explain. He might have. No one knows. But you will know what I’m talking about when you look it up

  2. Shut the fuck up, you fat ass piece of shit.have some respect for the fallen king,

  3. Many of the more pessimistic artists, thinkers, philosophers etc. are/were witty and full of smiles. They might be social, outgoing beings, but alone the dark existential reality haunts them. STEEZ had a unique smile, a smile hip hop really needed.

  4. it wasnt coz of depression it was coz of all that 47 shit he talks about the date he died was 23/12/12, 23+12+12= 47
    he thinks he going to resurrect in 2047 and be a prophet or something when the world ends

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