THE REALNESS: Rosenberg Says Goodbye to Jay-Z


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  1. Not true, he likes pretty much all of Kanye’s albums, he adores Kendrick Lamar and there’s plenty more.

  2. you def not from ny- all rosenberg is about it underground and real hip hop- ur buggin – listen to his late night show- then come back and delete this message

  3. Thank you. Hot97 really needs to check this. These struggling attempts to be as edgy as power 105 is just making all of them look like assholes.

  4. peter a stinky jew but i agree with him, jay z soft
    no im not racist hes a dumb jew that doesnt know the kabbalah or real jewish aspects

  5. The guy he needs he wants more than what hossa frank you tell me what he wants more than what hossa is hossa.
    The guy he dont fly straight no frank you know what he needs he needs he needs he needs he needs he needs he dont fly straight no more than what hossa frank you know what hossa frank you tell me what he dont fly straight no more.

  6. Rosenberg… dude, please explain to me what’s real music?
    I don’t understand you man… You always fire shots at what you don’t like, what do you like yo?


    A breaking new video has just been released today titled EXPOSING JAY Z ILLUMINATI! This video contains undeniable proof that Jay Z is indeed an Illuminati loving puppet and an evil NWO pusher! This video contains PHOTO evidence as well as Jay Z admitting it himself!!!

    His music is very dangerous for anyone to be listening to and this new video explains why it is a danger to you.. This video can save your life..

    To view this video visit my channel for it is my FEATURED video!

  8. A haza is a pig that don’t fly straight, and that’s you Rosenburg. Smh anyone that knows Jay’s music can hear and see how much, if not all is inspired by Scarface

  9. Hassa is a slang for an asshole, corrupted person, or someone who abuses their position in society for personal gains. Living the life without thinking, a limitless lifestyle.

    One of Jay-Z’s many Scarface references:

  10. rosenberg is whats wrong with hip hop. he works at a major radio station IN NEW YORK, and is complaining about wanting to listen to djtony touch play classic hip hop. his mentality should be wanting to be better than tony touch. not play garbage ass music from garbage ass “artists” all day long.

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