Our Drugs War: Episode 2 – The Life and Death of a Dealer


The Queensbridge Estate in New York lies within sight of the Manhattan skyscrapers, but is seemingly a world away. The largest housing complex in Queens, it …

Rap and Street Education


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  1. RIP to Thomas Winston tho.. Sad to see sumbody tryna change they ways and
    still gets caught up in the madness these projects bring.. good documentary
    on what drugs does to pple but also how the american ‘justice’ system is
    created more to control and enslave the minorities instead of giving them a
    chance in society… 

  2. black people are notorious for flaunting their BS…how many white people u
    see riding in a $600 car w/3k rims? or standing on the corner sellin crack?
    and u wonder why they get arrested

  3. Our Drugs War: Episode 2 – The Life and Death of a Dealer

    “In the examples given (and many more that could be given along these
    lines.) who looks good and who looks bad? You NEED us (the state.) right?
    To keep YOU (dumb ass on the street.) safe? We (as in the state.) are the
    good guys. They (the drug dealer and regardless of personal, social and
    economic circumstances.) are the bad guys, right? Do you follow me? Do not
    be naive. “There’s method in madness”. Once you begin to understand the
    “method” employed to up-keep the “madness” you’ll very quickly begin to
    understand why this war on drugs is actually nothing more than an

    So from this point of view and in actual fact, who needs who more?

  4. If you rich and white you don’t have to worry about anything I’am NOT a
    racist but damn they got it way easy

  5. Fast Lane Street Credentials-

    No more dangerous than alcohol or tobacco. People die from alcohol induced
    activity all the time. Drunken rages, manslaughters, involuntary
    manslaughters, binge drinking, alcohol poisoning, cirrhosis, liver damage.
    With tobacco you have throat cancer, lung cancer, gum disease, etc. Those
    legal drugs are just as dangerous to the body.

  6. fuck the war on drugs – it is a war by the government on the people – it
    helps nobody except the CIA cartel stomp out the competition. Since when
    should a government decide for me what drugs I can take. The DEA are the
    scum of the earth – shame on you!!

  7. You look at the sentencing of a banker who steals hundreds of millions of
    dollars and a guy caught with a few bags and it’s possession for sales, and
    if you have a weapon you can throw away the key. You look at these scum
    bags who have stolen all that money and they say it was none violent, but
    in reality people have killed themselves because they have lost everything,
    so to say it’s none violent is really not true. To me white collar
    criminals are just as bad if not worse then the dope dealer or what

  8. I was going to watch this Doc until the Race Card reared its ugly head.
    Again, being racisssssss against whitey is alright. I guess maybe because
    white isn’t a race? People need to start taking responsibility and stop
    making excuses. This fucking society runs on excuses man, and then we
    wonder why we have so many problems within and without.

  9. Is there anyone I can interview from +NIMBIN TELEVISION about what they are
    doing to help ‘end the drug war’ today?

  10. The projects in the beginning look like from the outside of the outside of the projects in the outside of the movie clockers.
    The outside of the projects in the projects in the outside of the movie clockers.
    The beginning look like from the projects in the projects in the beginning look like from the beginning look like from the movie clockers.

  11. Its not just the city where this is happening, I live in the middle of
    nowhere and across the street is the “brook” where people are constantly
    getting killed, mostly by cops. I’m white,but there’s no race card to play
    here its people DYING over a bundle or 2 of some heroin because the cops
    can’t block of Baltimore, Wilmington. Etc

  12. remember and a cop told me this while giving me a ticket,you live in the
    apartment not the stoop or sidewalk in front of your building.

  13. This may sound extreme, but i am against making any drug illegal, even
    heroin should be legalized again. My reasons are quite simple :
    1. it doesn’t work, period. Even in environments like jails, with extreme
    monitoring, and freedom being heftily restricted, you have a flourishing
    drug market. So the idea to be able to control drugs in a free society is
    absurd !

    2. But it is not only that the war on drugs doesn’t work, it has created a
    multi billion dollar industry, financing terrorism, financing all kinds of
    other illegal operations (seed money to get them up and running),
    destabilizes whole countries (in Mexiko we have more deaths through the
    drug war, then we had in Irak during the height of the terror, or that we
    have in syria due to the vivil war, and that is just one example. Colombia
    is still recovering from the chaos Escobar has caused etc.), converts poor
    neighborhoods into shooting alleys, where gangs fight over drug territory

    3. All that for what exactly ? Which goals did the war on drugs achieve,
    that we couldn’t have achieved otherwise ? NONE ! A police crackdown on
    drugs achieves 2 things : a rise in prize, and a sinking quality, that´s it.

    So instead of wasting the money on a war on drugs that doesn’t work, and
    in fact is making things worse, we should stop the war on drugs altogether,
    and invest the money in programs that are working. Our jails would go from
    overpopulated to underpopulated, our police could work on other crimes
    (which would also sink, especially robberies and burglaries, since a lot of
    crime is done to score drug money.f

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Our Drugs War: Episode 1 – Everyone’s at It

Our Drugs War: Episode 3 – The Front-line. Birth of a Narco-State