Our Drugs War: Episode 1 – Everyone’s at It


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  1. The point is …. the current policy is NOT working…… drugs are more
    avialable then they ever were and prohibition will never work at it does is
    drive the drug trade into the black market where nothing can be regulated.
    Ever seen a drug dealer I.D. a child before they gave them drugs? How many
    people die because they have no way of resolving conflicts in the court of
    law so they need to resort to violence? You will ALWAYS have drug addicts

  2. The reason drugs are so rampant today is two reasons. one is that we have
    mastered the design of smoking and using them with science and tech for
    example i am a pot smker and think for a second how many ways there is to
    eat it smoke it and they have pipes bongs and other ways now for other
    drugs you have that too and then the business side like cartels they PUSH
    it to make money and when the demand meets supply it will never go away and
    personally why should they people want them

  3. Maybe drug use will go down, maybe not; it should be legalized regardless
    to get the criminal element out of it. It’s not a legal problem but a
    health problem & should be treated as such. Let the rest of us live in
    relative peace, free from drug addled half-wits making meth in their
    toilets & almost all of the attendant crime associated with prohibition.

  4. So is drug abuse a disease? Or is it a systemic issue that should be
    addressed as a health concern and not a criminal one? I think youre a
    brainwashed sheep that follows the news and votes when he’s supposed to,
    instead of following your own convictions and formulating your own
    opinion.. that would be my logic.

  5. Yep. You got to love those play are words. What do you call a minority that
    uses drugs in America? A dope fiend, crack head, crack baby. What do you
    call a white person on drugs in America? A substance abuser.

  6. You’ve got to be kidding if you think drug traffic has anything to do with
    anything other than international monetary control. The so-called
    “Impossible Missions Force”. Affecting money flow is the primary method of
    subjugating and imposing a will towards abnegation of effective trade or
    micro-economics that allows independent development of a culture to realize
    abundance or ability to thrive. Especially if a culture is seen as having a
    tendency to resist hypnosis or suggestion. Answer: drugm

  7. Yes we know that… For myself, the question is and always will be: When
    will the drug users themselves be held responsible for their intoxications
    and their indiscretions in life along with the problems they create that
    others, sooner or later, have to deal with. Why should they be absolved
    when everyone else is expected to stand up and face the responsibilities
    and liabilities in life ..but the drug users are given special

  8. The users themselves are not the problem…. if they have an addiction they
    have a problem. I have a degree in drug addiction counseling and although
    this does not qualify me as an expert I do have a firm grasp on what drives
    addiction in the first place. The point is unless they are harming other
    individuals … using drugs shoudl not be an illigal act. If the person
    abusing drugs decides to commit another crime outside of the abuse itself
    then we have laws to deal with those issues.

  9. Spoken as a true Christian Inquisitor. Let me guess, you’re a nazi, and a
    Jew? Just go shoot yourself regardless plz. 🙂

  10. LOL! On what planet do you reside? I live over some drug-addled
    half-witted, demented old career druggies who make meth most hours of the
    day. One is a convicted murderer, all of them are thieves as well & the
    murderer & his sister produced a daughter who is herself a drug addict &
    currently in prison. They’ve already set fire to the plumbing. I guess
    they’ll have to blow the building up & kill a few people before “law
    enforcement” bothers to do anything. If I could afford to move I would.

  11. fear fuels consent which brings light to control. everyone be scared and
    give up your liberties!

  12. actually use of the harmful drugs will go down. decriminalize it completely
    though. legalization means there is a law on it – and so long as there is a
    law on it it can be broken and the law tends to be lobbied to fuck people
    over. case in point farming is legal – now people are not even allowed to
    raise their own chickens in many places because it is ‘legal’.

  13. The war on drugs is useless! People have historically used drugs and they
    will not stop. Law Enforcement is not the answer… social counselling is
    the only way to reach people hooked on drugs. Making drugs illegal only
    causes people to choose an underground (illegal) existence.

  14. A im not a homo and B i do have an addictive personality and so do 100,000
    of people if not 100 of Millions u dumb fuck IDK what made you want to
    comment on my shit….. but tons of people get addicted to MDMA MDA and

  15. Neither.Meantime “your” logic simply sustains the unnecessary use of
    recreational drugs and the intoxications and the addictions that come with
    the use. The ( logical) thing to do is not take the recreational drugs as
    they are not needed at all.Stop defending your vices and other people vices
    and indiscretions in life as valid reasoning for peoples habitual
    intoxications and the all too often “drug addictions” that DO effect other
    people. I suppose you defend the drug suppliers also.

  16. No wonder that woman’s kids turned to drugs; she is an awful human being.
    She discovers their addiction and the first thing she thinks about is her
    personal reputation. “What are people going to think of me?” 

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