Our Drugs War: Episode 3 – The Front-line. Birth of a Narco-State


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  1. Lou Reed, Keith Richards, John Lennon (White Album),under the influence of
    heroin, all created musical masterpieces . The romantic poets — Keats,
    Coleridge,Byron–worked under the influence of opium. Dylan Thomas worked
    under the influence of heavy alcohol intake. Whose going to create our art
    –all these soulless, peabrained Drug War morons? Adult humans need to make
    their own drug use decisions.

  2. Why would an investigator look at Afghanistan for the issues of drug
    empires? Start ta the top , try London and Washington , ? Is he a dupe or
    stupid? Read Dope Inc ! It was published in 1990 , nothing has chanegd !

  3. Fuck you asshole, he’s right, fuck musi cunts, fuck christians assholes,
    fuck jews, fuck every religious backward asshole motherfucker, and fuck you
    too for siding with those fascist pricks.

  4. He dosent even love his own motha, dont expect from him to not be a piece
    of shit with others

  5. If I were the president in Afghanistan, I would legalize it and run like a
    business. I would make the world pay top dollar for my opium With regards
    to those Taliban’s, their gone try looking in Iran ?

  6. if they really want them to end raising opium government have to find an
    alternative source of living for these poor people

  7. the title “Our drugs war” doesn’t make sense. It should have been “our drug
    war” Just saying… Drugs will always be apart of life and I think that war
    against them just causes more bad than good. But I also believe that one
    day drugs will be legal, once the anti-Christ comes into power. You will
    all see this with your own eyes.

  8. Our Drugs War: Episode 2 – The Life and Death of a Dealer

    war on drugs seems obsolete, this stuff will always be a problem and I
    think that war against terrorism is more an issue. there are powerful
    people who will defend their product and money till the end. people are
    dying for something that can;t be stopped. Instead we should put a price on
    it and make it a responsibility for the government to have in a organized
    manner because disorder is what this brings and we have to realize that
    this is something that will continue as long as the planet spins

  9. presidents are puppets/faces. this country is a plutocracy/oligarchy. a
    corporation is legally considered an individual ‘person’. the television
    molds the minds of the massive giving them their history, science, beliefs,
    political views, what to buy, wear, eat, what to say… madnessonfilm, keep
    spreading the word.

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Our Drugs War: Episode 2 – The Life and Death of a Dealer

This video basically gives the viewer a good idea on how the war on drugs has failed and how we continue to spend.