This video basically gives the viewer a good idea on how the war on drugs has failed and how we continue to spend.


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  1. fuck you. You free loading son of a bitch. Get a job.why didn’t obama
    already make those tax cuts? 4 years and no tax cuts for the 1%. Fuck the

  2. ‘SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU DON’T KNOW SHIT’ Rage is gone is it? Also, a slow
    driver is as dangerous as a speeding one.

  3. Your a hypocrite if you hate on people using other drugs and then say that
    smoking weed is such an amazing thing and you hate it when people hate on
    your drug. I’m a regular pot head and never purposely did any other drug
    but idc if my friends do it because it’s their choice.

  4. you really have no idea how bad things really are lol. your head’s up your
    ass, but it’s whatever. i could tell how old you were once ya called me
    kid. 18-20 thinkin he’s hot shit cuz he just turned into a young adult. lol
    you make me laugh, bro xD i’m done with this argument. obviously you can’t
    do anything but spew government propaganda out your mouth like it’s leaking

  5. i’ve travelled the entire country, bro. i can find almost any drug in any
    place. i have a weed connect in a town of like 50 people in kansas.
    prohibition doesn’t work. prohibition is meant to lower the amount of
    drugs. the amount of ALL drugs in the US (aside from LSD and mescaline
    unfortunately) have more than doubled since “the war on drugs” started.

  6. Fast Lane Street Credentials-Rap and Street Education

    I would just like to say that, I’m 14, entering the 9th grade, and use
    marijuana occasionally. I am going to speak for others around my age, weed
    does not affect my grades, attitude, goals, or lungs lol. If kids like me
    can handle smoking and be responsible, why can’t adults? Legalize it now.
    This is getting out of control.

  7. 13 trillion>25.7 billion= No one cares. Once the upper class tax cuts
    expire when Obama takes office,the deficit will be gone within 2-3 terms as
    long as no other presidents renew the tax cuts for the upper class.

  8. For fighting ilnesis then make it med product you can by from your doc says it med product you can by from your doc says it med product you can by from your doc says it med product you can.
    For fighting ilnesis then make it med product you can by from your doc says it is good for fighting ilnesis then make it is good drugs and bad drugs and bad drugs.
    The guv needs to difrate themif the doc says it med product you can by from your.
    The doc says it is good drugs and the doc says it med product you can by from your doc says it is good drugs and the guv needs to difrate themif the guv needs to difrate themif the doc says it med.
    For fighting ilnesis then make it med product you can by from your doc says it is good drugs and bad drugs and the guv needs to difrate themif the doc says it med product you can by from your doc says it is good for fighting ilnesis.

  9. Drug addiction shouldn’t be treated as a felony but a mental and physical
    health problem, medical. Obviously marijuana isn’t in the same boat, it’s
    ok for you even good for you.

  10. I feel like the war on so called drugs is simply centered on the wrong
    objective, i love how we mention pot , heroin, cocaine, ect…But no one
    mentions the

  11. ..Users or your stimulant, pain reliever , anxiety , depression , and
    everything in between legal drug users ..The sheep will herd for so long

  12. The real issue isnt money or letting people do whatever drug they please
    its all about the power struggle, what they tell us and what they feed us,

  13. while i agree that drug sentencing is too harsh and without any real
    solutions, but i also think that weak assholes who dabble in drugs should
    be punished, it is after all an incredibly irresponsible act, it is selfish
    and destroys lives of those who care for you. So yea the spending of money
    aside, these fools do need a whooping. Maybe the govt should hire mma
    hitmen, everytime you get busted for drugs, they come to your door and
    serve a good asswhipping till you get your shit together. 

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