Lord Jamar & Sadat X: Gay Culture Is Over-Promoted Today

Sadat X shares his thoughts on Lord Jamar’s previous VladTV interview, where he spoke about gay culture not having a place in hip hop. Sadat says that gay culture was…

Lord Jamar & Sadat X: Gay Culture Is Over-Promoted Today


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  1. on this topic, these dudes are ignorant. Proving for the 1000th time that
    just because you’re a ‘conscious’ rapper doesn’t mean you know what you’re
    talking about. You might be as dull and dumb as the average turn up.

  2. -My GOD !

    *Does lord jamar talk about ANYTHING else ?
    Trying to be the Nelson Mandela of Hip-Hop , Let that shit go !
    People are gay, whether you know it or not . Plenty of rappers could be
    getting tea bagged and we don’t even know it… LEt people live their lives
    and stop thinking IN the box all the damned time*. . .. 

  3. I think there are many cultures that don’t belong in Hip-Hop. For instance,
    devil worshipers, white supremacists and pedophiles. I’m not comparing
    those cultures to the gay culture in any other way than to show that some
    cultures just don’t mix.

  4. “If you’re a man dressed up as a women, of course I’m gonna stare at you”

    I don’t know, sounds a little suspect to me

  5. Lord Jamar is just answering the questions he is being asked. It is his
    opinion. If you dont like the subject find another interview to watch
    theres plenty more.

  6. You can never compare a gay persons scrutiny to a black persons all gay
    people get is weird looks and maybe a couple gay jokes. blacks couldnt
    drink from the same water fountain they couldnt eat in the same places go
    to school in the same place with white and enslaved & treated like dogs i
    hate when homos try to compare the two props two these to guys.


  8. The reason that men find women attractive, and vice versa, is so that we
    have that biological incentive to reproduce. It isn’t because “I just like
    what I like!” its because theres a reason for it that helps humanity. Now
    whats the incentive for being gay? There isn’t one… And no, it has
    nothing to do with the world being “overpopulated” which it isn’t btw.

    On another note, the reason people stare… When we see an obese person,
    its hard not to stare for at least a second or 2 right? Thats because when
    we see the obese person, our brain knows that its a dangerous condition,
    and it alarms us in a way to say “wow thats a possibility for myself and my
    loved ones!”. Its a defense mechanism. Same thing with crossdressers. “damn
    that guys sick in the head, that could happen to my kids!” and it sets off
    an alarm. This isn’t a matter of “just stop judging” maybe you’ve trained
    your brain to not look at people that way (because the brain can be
    trained..) but judging is a natural reaction for a reason.

    The most loving thing you can do for a person is care for them when they’re
    sick and correct them when they’re wrong. Think on that. 

  9. Jew Vlad is at it again. Letting the coons be coons while he collects the

    Good job Vlad, stack that paper.

  10. I don’t agree with this whole “gay culture” or “gay agenda” thing. They are
    only like 2% of the US population, they are a heavy minority. No one is
    trying to make people gay or glamorize homosexuality, people just want to
    be respected by everyone else and feel equal.

  11. Oh look!! More homophobic “straight” guys. You know something’s up when
    your more obsessed with our culture than we are.

  12. This stupid c*nt compared being gay to bestiality , overused terminology
    most people who like rap cant even read ( IM BLACK BTW ) JUST POINTING THAT

  13. COME ON, UNCLE JAMAR! Right again. Gay culture has no place in hip-hop.
    Maybe hip-POP (which is what mainstream media has turned it into), but not
    real and authentic hip hop. It didn’t start that way and people need to
    quit tryin’ to rewrite it’s history. Gays don’t belong in hip hop like them
    corny white girls don’t belong in hip-hop. Kreayshawn (or whatever her lil’
    fonky pretend black name is), Lil Debbie, Iggy and the rest of them don’t
    belong in hip hop. I want them all cancelled as soon as possible. I saw it
    coming though. They’ve already cancelled out brothas wearin’ baggy clothes
    and actually lookin’ like real men. Now they got ya’ll in skinny jeans,
    boot cut jeans, skirts and all sorts of bullsquat to appeal to Becky and
    Timmy in Middle America. By the end of the decade, gays and whites will be
    head of state in hip hop (hip pop) if they aren’t already. Just watch. I’m
    definitely not a psychologist, but I think being gay is just attraction.

  14. It’s called acceptance man. Black people were discriminated against for so
    long yet the majority of black people discriminate against gays openly. I
    myself am black Nigerian-American to be exact. When some of my family
    members say some homophobic shit I have to act like I agree with them or I
    will be looked at like I myself am gay. This shit is saddening.

  15. it seems like they are trying to shove this gay shit down our throats (no
    pun intended). we are being forced to accept gay pple in hip hop, sports,
    etc. I’m not saying i hate gay pple, i don’t have a problem with them but
    why is it that if i don’t support it I’m a homophobe?

  16. Smh… People are so blind to the gay agenda. The fact that you aren’t even
    allowed to disagree with homosexuality should be a red flag, even if you
    take the religious aspect away from the homosexual conversation it STILL
    feels like people want to force their views on you. You gotta ask yourself,
    why is it so important to cram homosexuality down people throat? If I’m
    agreeing to disagree and taking NO actions to stop you from living how you
    want to live, why is the response “Grab the torch and pitch forks. This guy
    is homophobic!”? 

  17. personally I don’t give a fuck about gay rights when as a black man,here I
    am in 2014 and I still get racist shit happening to me!!….it’s just
    changed it’s tactics but good old racism is still alive and well!!…..so
    i’ll defend your rights to cornhole another man as soon as they step up in
    our fight for true equality!…..they can just not tell people their gay
    and get along fine,but my color is evident on sight!

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