State Of NY Hip Hop – THE TRUTH with Elliott Wilson LIVE ft. Maino

State Of NY Hip Hop – THE TRUTH with Elliott Wilson LIVE THE PANEL: Maino (@mainohustlehard) Reggie Osse (@Combat_Jack) – Combat Jack Show Daniel Rivera (@Th…


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  1. America is too dumbed down for a ny artist to pop… niggas r lyricist from NY, that’s that real NY sound… America likes that dumb down sit they could understand

  2. Kendrik lamar verse was so cold it makes people have debates . god damn !!! Hiiipower

  3. Cue the violins, damn. Crying …
    Solution is Make better music and set trends, be creative. Stop looking for an Easy button. Jay Z is a NY nigga, he tell niggas every album how to do it, “The Blueprint” , stop hating success, congratulate and learn.

  4. I would love to be a part of a panel as such. From a fan’s prospective , from a BX native’s perspective. I’d love to share my input.

  5. Sorry but yall sound like a bunch of cry babies.  Last time I checked, Jay-Z and A$AP Rocky were both doing very well for themselves and are HUGE influencers in modern Hop Hop. Let it go, ya’ll sound like Lakers fans.

  6. You know It’s funny this vid was right on top of the Pro Era cypher : that answers your question

  7. i was away for couple days, thought of Elliott:
    With Elliott, Rap Radar, the Truth and only the Truth, YA DIG !

  8. I smh when I hear the word fear in a NY rapper. NY has never been afraid to say what’s on there mind. New York has always always told the story it was like reading a book where is the 2013 book of New York. Rap has never gave a fuck about what a person or people felt it told the street gospel. And forced u to listen!!

  9. There’s ~talent in New York, and a decent amount of it, but what you just described is not what ‘buzzing’ means

  10. what happened to music that i wana listen to,
    don’t just wana hear the beat, wana hear a bar or 2.
    what happened to the message and the artist who…
    could paint a vivid picture and tell a wicked story too.
    damn at 24 am i really that old school?
    that i don’t kno good music, is this sound too new.
    na neva I just got the talents to,
    keep it RUN DMC, add a lil HOV, sprinkle sum DRAKE to
    let my music consume you.
    even without a beat, these bars you are rocking too

  11. I just feel like people are still holding on to the idea of star power and radio and aren’t acknowledging the fact that most of the relevant content from this current generation has really been sourced from the internet. The independent artist and labels are winning right now, silently.They may not be main stays on the blogosphere but they seep through. YouTube, Pandora, Spotify,and Songza are far more fitting for todays society and provide the artist opportunity to gain residual income.

  12. The mis-education of America. Ny rap is about lyrics, with the dummying down of America the lyrical contact is weak

  13. I enjoyed your informative and insightful video. There are people out here who are actually striving to do different music. Me!  I’m New York’s best kept secret! Multi Genre Fusion Music is my style. Some of my songs are stories that I tell are told in a Hip Hop way! I am truly unique!

  14. There are people out here who are actually striving to do different music. Me! I’m New York’s best kept secret! Multi Genre Fusion Music is my style. Some of my songs are stories that I tell are told in a Hip Hop way! I am truly unique!

  15. I got my own style of music I call it multi genre fusion music. I actually go out of my way to be different.

  16. new york still holding to the glory days. new york never embraced anything outside of new york.q

  17. Los Angeles,California the birthplace of “Gangsta Rap” the baddest B itches,Sunshine Blue Skies

  18. People listen and buy music differently which does affects who blows up and many people are more sheeps than leaders. A leader will seek out an artist, go to their shows, buy their albums etc…. where are the real fans? (and this applies to every city, even NYC)

  19. the problem wit you new york niggas y’all think since it started out there y’all are the only ones qualified to say what real hip hop is. but hip hop is a lifestyle thing learned influenced by urban living. then y’all always talkin about lyrics but all lyrics are real depending on where you come from and how you live ona daily basis. if you a hustler and you really sell’n brix n shit then you hear Gucci mane that shit is real as fucc to you because he’s talkin about real life shit



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