Trump Permanently Banned From Twitter, Even If He Runs For Office In The Future

Trump Permanently Banned From Twitter, Even If He Runs For Office In The Future


His last days in office were devoid of his favorite social media app, and it’s been announced that former president Donald Trump won’t be returning anytime soon. Throughout his presidency, Trump communicated with his global audience from dawn ’til dusk as many of his controversial tweets were trends across the internet. During the election season last year, Trump’s posts were being flagged for misleading information, and soon, he was booted from the platform altogether. 

Donald Trump, Twitter, Ned Segal
Pool / Getty Images

There were accusations that Trump had been censored and his MAGA followers found a new home on Parler, but after the insurrection at the Capitol following Trump’s “Stop The Steal” rally in Washington, D.C., Parler—for now—is a thing of the past. Twitter has certain policies for heads of state and their inclusion, and because there have been rumors that Trump plans on running for office in the future, it’s speculated that he could make a return. Not according to the company, he won’t.

“When you’re removed from the platform, you’re removed from the platform,” Twitter CFO Ned Segal told CNBC today (February 10). “Our policies are designed to make sure that people are not inciting violence. He was removed when he was president and there’d be no difference for anybody who’s a public official once they’ve been removed from the service.”

Donald Trump, Twitter, Ban, Ned Segal
Justin Sullivan / Staff / Getty Images

There were also rumors that Twitter suffered a great loss in users after banning the ex-president. “We added 40 million people to our DAU [daily active user count] last year, and 5 million last quarter,” Segal said. “In January, we added more DAU than the average of the last four Januarys, so hopefully that gives people a sense for the momentum we’ve got from all the hard work we’ve done on the service.”

Meanwhile, Trump stated that he may build his own platform and possible political party in the future.


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