Noisey Atlanta – Welcome to the Trap – Episode 1

Noisey asked:

“When a rapper’s rapping, you should be able to smell the dope cooking.” In the first episode of our new 10-part series on Atlanta, host Thomas Morton meets longtime stick-up boy Curtis Snow…

Fast Lane Street Credentials-


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  1. Fast Lane Street Credentials-Rap and Street Education

    I wish people would realize how evil this is. trap music is just an
    offspring of original crunk music which was never created to be associated
    with crack. crunk music was made to make people get hyper and excited. to
    help their mind wake up. but then the drug money corrupted it and gave it
    an attachment to the evil that is making this country break apart. People
    need to understand that there is dead innocent family members. there is
    dead good people because of this going on in Atlanta. there is blood
    spilled. there is thousands of millions of angry good hearted and minded
    Mexicans on both sides of the border that are about to fight back this
    evil shit. and not only will it be those good Mexicans that have lost their
    families to the bad people with power, its going to be white americans,
    Asian americans, Russian americans. its going to be a lot of good people
    that are going to fight back. they say we should stay out of their business
    like when hitler said we should stay out of his. he was in the business of
    genocide. some mafias are in the business of selling drugs that destroy
    families, that kill, that are not worth the consumption in the long run.
    how can someone selling crack, that is facilitating putting crack in
    someone’s system be good? how are you good knowing what crack does. how are
    you good if you are facilitating evil? crack, cocaine, meth, heroine, they
    are not good drugs, so if you are facilitating the use of them? what side
    does that put you in. that goes to show that you can’t change people that
    have chosen to give up their lives for the forces that lead to each other’s
    destruction. without discrimination, these forces are amongst every country
    in the world. so the part about REVELATIONS in the bible where it clearly
    says that there will be a battle of good and evil. well people, the evil
    isn’t one group of people, its all those people in the world that have
    chosen to side with Lucifer. those women, those men. they may not admit it,
    but they are allies of Lucifer. they are minions of those evil forces. I
    can’t believe this guy put his life and his family’s life in danger by
    simply being around these individuals. this dude signed a death contract by
    simply making a video showing the faces of anyone connected in any way to
    the enterprise of demonic energy. demon meaning: instrument of destruction.
    those who have read history on the honorable alijah mohammed., and his
    followers including Malcolm x and martin luther king. how can I that am not
    black, but have the same soul fire of my black brother. honor and love the
    men in history like Malcolm, martin luther king jr. mahatmas gandi that
    without a doubt have fought and given their lives to instruct, guide and
    save the black nation and all the other race nations that have been
    oppressed by political injustice. how can any black man surrender in the
    fight against the perversion, and purposely assist LUCIFER in return for
    money and sex. unrealistic persuit of pleasure. this has nothing to do with
    being jealous people. this has to do with keeping your sons and daughters
    away from these people. away from their mind set, away from their way of
    thinking. it cannot be defended by the word of God, by the truth it cannot
    be assisted, it cannot be helped by the lord have mercy. these people are
    allies to the doom they are destined to. there is no other ending but doom
    the facilitators of Lucifer. For the good man there is only death but not
    doom. perhaps him and his family killed by the minions of Lucifer, but that
    family not condemned to be doomed by their own moral treason. heed these
    words readers, people of the net age. There is a resentment, a hate so hot
    burning, a hate so intense in the hearts of good people, caused by
    assistants of Lucifer. If there is anything scarier than a demon it is an
    angry angel. an Angry angel does not seek revenge but it strikes with a
    power that shakes the earth into humility. it strikes with force that makes
    demons kneel. a force that makes Lucifer kneel. because there is no greater
    power than truth and justice. there is nothing greater, nothing better,
    nothing of more value than anything that makes up truth and justice. so
    heed my words. Atlanta does and will never belong to the followers of
    Lucifer. They will fall. they will lose. they will kneel to angry angels.
    this world does not belong to them. God made life. it gave freedom to good
    and evil but it belongs to the ultimate. the alpha and omega.
    perhaps it allowed evil to exist is just a way of God making a statement
    that we need to stop straying away from order and moral composure. it
    allows evil to burn and effect the victims of its allowed force to exist.
    to make examples of those that willingly chose to reject the beauty of
    righteousness. to make examples of them only. but never to allow minions to
    own their life in a way in which you believe God will not make you kneel.
    heed my words people. The Angels are coming, they are angry, they are
    already here. the trumpets have been blow. The winds of the north, the
    west, the east, and the south will be let loose upon the world. we got a
    taste of it with the hurricanes that happened to us. look at all the
    tragedy and death that has happened recently. please wake up people. don’t
    feed these powers anymore. don’t allow these minions of Lucifer to continue
    their growth. America is about to enter Mexico in a few years if Mexico
    loses political control and stability over its lands and the drug cartels
    manage to become stronger than the country’s government. American soldiers
    will be in Mexico in a few years from now. American bases will be built in
    Mexico like in Japan and America will have a ruling hand over Mexico in a
    few years. we will enter a new age in American History. we will either
    enter world war 3 or avoid it depending on how the collective human
    conscience grows. people heed my words. Life perfectly exists. We are
    challenged to not fall in the abyss of pleasure that many have fallen
    into. Do not allow Atlanta to fall. Atlanta is a good city. it is a good
    place. it is a place were the world’s best and greatest artists are trying
    to be born in. the next souls to incarnate into existence. We are helping
    losing our city to the soldiers of Lucifer and those temporarily possessed
    by the demonic force. Please wake up people. what this man is cooking in
    this video. what shame, what betrayal to the lord. what dishonor to make
    and sell crack. what dishonor to destroy what clean crunk music would of
    been and twist it into something demonic and call it trap. Those people
    Stole that beat and made it rotten. they made it rotten by turning it into
    a driving force, a type of power music to motivate the mind and drive
    forward the will to sell drugs. crunk music was never intended to drive the
    willingness to make and sell drugs. it is something Lucifer grabbed a hold
    of and twisted it to make it work for Lucifer, it now condemned it by
    giving it demonic qualities to the music when it is being played and that
    is why whenever that music is played in the future. you will surely
    make yourself a target of judgment by those rising up against the
    destruction that drugs are causing here in Ga. you have created a hate in
    good people and civil war will erupt if it doesn’t stop doing the harm its
    doing. when the north fought the south. the north won because it was on the
    right side of history. when Hitler lost, it was because he wasn’t on the
    right side of history. so think about who is on the wrong side of history
    In all this. the Mexicans involved. the drug dealing. the bad fashions
    corrupting the minds of our future children… think about this people.
    wake up.

  2. That’s not how to rock D!!!!fake ass shit.that wasn’t
    reporter don’t know shit.come to stocktone.

  3. The song 045 to 056 sometimes you win sometimes you lose.
    The song 045 to 056 sometimes you win sometimes you win sometimes you lose.

  4. Why can not add subtitles? I am a French young and suddenly I understood
    nothing, whereas with episodes Chicago the subtitles could be added

  5. To the people talking about Snow on the Bluff… You guys know it was fake
    right? Shot in a realistic documentary style like Paranormal Activity but
    with actors… 

  6. i personally think thomas (the corny white dude) is a perfect fit for these
    things. its hilarious. i use to not like him but i warmed up to him. at the
    very least he just acts like himself as opposed to alot of other reporters
    who would go in there and try to act hard

  7. wow.. he should of gotten fired for asking who big meech is.. really?!!!!
    wow Noisey hire me.. 610 761 2776

  8. Man, Curtis basically robbed people for drugs, sold drugs, and shot at
    people on LIVE FOOTAGE that turned into a movie (Which he almost caught
    charges off of). Ya’ll really think he cares about cooking crack on camera
    for Noisey?

  9. This is cool but you shoulda had Huang do this. Morton is waaaaaay too out
    of his comfort zone to contribute anything meaningful b

  10. The first episode of our 10-part series takes us to the heart of Atlanta,
    and explores why the city has become a center of drug trafficking and rap
    music. #NOISEYATL

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