FBI Video shows Al Sharpton Plotting to Bring Drugs into the United States

DiSaStaCaPiTaLisM asked:

HBO video shows Al Sharpton negotiating coke deal with undercover FBI agent

Al Sharpton looking to profit off the misery of others and sell out his community and country. All these years the Left and the media has been telling us it …

FBI Video shows Al Sharpton Plotting to Bring Drugs into the United States


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  1. NBC scum actually employs this evil cocksucker.

    David Sarnoff wanted more for his creation. NBC is now an unredeemable

  2. *FBI Video shows Al Sharpton Plotting to bring Drugs into the United States*

    Al Sharpton looking to profit off the misery of others and sell out his
    community and country. All these years the Left and the media has been
    telling us it was the CIA, Reagan, the Contra’s that were behind the crack
    cocaine epidemic in the 80’s. But it was really Communist like Sharpton
    inspired by the KGB.

    Castro has allowed Cuba to be used as a base of operations for decades.
    Drugs debilitate citizens and make them counter productive and a burden on
    society. Addiction like terrorism is used to subvert and bring down a
    target country. Like Carlos Lehder said – cocain is the atomic bomb of the
    third world.




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