Witness Mary Cutcher proves George Zimmerman Guilty

SimonPetersburg asked:

Rap and Street Education


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  1. “Zimmerman receives the benefit of the doubt at his word; Martin, unfortunately, has no word”

    Period. From the lawyers on CNN to everyday citizens, they ignored the physical possibilities and gave all plausibility to GZ’s story. I thought the object was to poke holes in the testimony, and once that is done, his testimony is no longer credible. The absence of blood on hand, the absence of blood on his cheeks from being in a horizontal position. Cont

  2. Why wouldn’t they, Zimmerman has his side of the story.

    I’m not trying to be argumentative here. All I’m stating is that Zimmerman has his side of the story, period. Although there are details that may not jive with it, those details are inconclusive, such as: Absence of blood on Martin’s hand(s).–I will ask you then; A neighbor testified that Zimmerman was on the ground, and Martin on top of Zimmerman, kicking Zimmerman’s ass.

    Either the neighbor lied, or the neighbor told the truth.

  3. An address the car due to find an address the lie that he never knew whether or not gz got out to the fact that he lied about just getting out to find an address the law the lie about just getting out of the law the fight.

  4. It wouldn’t make sense for TM to run from GZ then come back to attack him. The fact that the gun should have not been accessible if Trayvon was in that position. And even if O’Mara’s position was true, then GZ’s hands were in position to not allow TM to “bash his head”. Too many holes to just give the benefit of the doubt.

  5. Good grief, just read the information, and derive what you will.

    A jury of 6 gave the verdict of Not Guilty. What more do you want?

    People call for Justice, then balk at the verdict. People want something to bitch about.

    Institutional Racism exists…is this a case of Institutional Racism that Zimmerman was found Not Guilty?–No!

    There’s a lot of BS going on right now, we are living in the midst of a new Jim Crow, and people are bickering about this nonsense. The case is closed. Move on.

  6. Why wouldn’t it? It makes sense that Zimmerman chased Martin down, and killed him in cold blood…since we’re laying out all the possibles.

    There are holes in every case. As I stated: It was presented to a jury of 6, and a jury of 6 made a verdict of Not Guilty.

    I must be missing something here. This whole case has been about misinformation, and disinformation. Zimmerman is White; Martin is a Child. Wedge issue BS that’s DESIGNED to cause tension between groups of people. I won’t bite.

  7. “A jury of 6 gave the verdict of Not Guilty. What more do you want?”

    “A Jury” also gave freedom to Casey Anthony. They are not infallible.

    “People call for Justice, then balk at the verdict. People want something to bitch about.”

    When people call for justice its JUSTICE they want. Not just any verdict.

    ” we are living in the midst of a new Jim Crow, and people are bickering about this nonsense. The case is closed. Move on”

  8. Well, moving on would be easy if not guilty was not a message to all black men. Its easy to say just move on but blacks have been trying to move since the 15 or 1600’s yet we are still being symbolically hung. Some Nerve

  9. “There are holes in every case. As I stated: It was presented to a jury of 6, and a jury of 6 made a verdict of Not Guilty.”

    Your problem is that those holes normally has no bearing on the case. In the problem here is the fact that everyone is measuring true or false based on GZ’s story and are not questioning his story to see whether or not it is credible.

  10. “I must be missing something here. This whole case has been about misinformation, and disinformation. Zimmerman is White; Martin is a Child.”

    Is Obama considered black amongst the population? If Martin is not a child, he should have been able to engage in sex videos, buy his own gun, and purchase liquor at that same 7 eleven. You cannot say that he is a man when convenient.

  11. Why wouldn’t they…Zimmerman has his side.

    There are plenty of questions that Zimmerman was asked in the police investigations, and he answered them. The jurors seen all of those.

    Zimmerman stated what he stated. Evidence is, well, evidence. Most evidence is not as Factual as people are led to believe it is.

    He’s Not Guilty…as I stated, move on people, and focus on the War, not this might have been battle.

  12. “There are plenty of questions that Zimmerman was asked in the police investigations, and he answered them. The jurors seen all of those”

    The point is that the jury, attorneys and the police department gave him the benefit DESPITE his lies. This lead to the jury being fooled to look left when the truth was on the right. Meaning that they begin to look at the consistency of his story, rather than the validity, the broken nose be due to TM rather than what else could have caused it.

  13. Fast Lane Street Credentials-

    I get what you’re stating. Regardless, he was put before a jury who came back with a verdict of Not Guilty.

    Nah, the jury seen all the evidence, all of Zimmerman’s confessions, etc.

    Yes, Zimmerman could have busted his own nose…then again, Martin could have busted Zimmerman’s nose when Martin was on top of Zimmerman kicking his ass–per the neighbors witness testimony.

  14. The blood running down his nose as opposed to, which way should the blood run had he been lying on his back. TM coming back to attack as opposed to why wouldn’t he attack him initially? Imminent danger as opposed to was GZ in position ever in position to grab the gun according to his account, without pulling the gun beforehand. These are major deterrents to coming to an accurate conclusion. And difficult for the prosecution to overcome.

  15. “He’s Not Guilty…as I stated, move on people, and focus on the War, not this might have been battle”

    In case you have not noticed, too many battles have been lost. How many battles can you lose before you lose the war?

  16. Actually, the blood would not be running down his cheeks if he were on his back, the blood, depending on how much his nose was bleeding, may have been running down his throat. His nose was swollen from being punched, it is possible blood could not flow from his nose until he stood up from laying on his back.

    Yes, if Martin was on top of Zimmerman, punching Zimmerman (as the neighbor stated witnessing), Zimmerman was in imminent danger.

    People, please read the self-defense laws of these States.

  17. People, you must consider the TOTALITY of the circumstances, and the Reasonable Persons Standard must be met in order to have convicted Zimmerman.

    This case should have NEVER went to court. The prosecution DID NOT have a case, period. Taking this into the courtroom only created more tension, more frustration. They buckled to political pressure, and now people are pissed off that Zimmerman wasn’t found Guilty…that someone there was no Justice.

    Justice is obviously in the eye of the beholder.

  18. “Zimmerman’s nose when Martin was on top of Zimmerman kicking his ass–per the neighbors witness testimony.”

    Kicking his ass in defense or offense? Winning the fight is not punishable if you are protecting yourself from a potential kidnapper etc.

  19. Rap and Street Education

    Wrong, as I stated: Read the State Law. Read, read, read.

    Zimmerman, under the Law, in order to use lethal for did not have to be touched by Martin, in order to use Lethal Force. Read the Law, know the Law. People are oblivious to the Law. All Zimmerman has to do is articulate that he was in fear of Grave Bodily harm or Death, that Martin was a imminent threat.

    Martin on top of Zimmerman, beating his ass IS an Imminent Threat, period.

    Please people, read the fucking Laws on Self-defense.

  20. “Actually, the blood would not be running down his cheeks if he were on his back, the blood, depending on how much his nose was bleeding, may have been running down his throat”

    Glad you said this!!! If you nose is broken and bleeding in the manner that GZ was two things can and will happen.

    1) Swallowing that much blood irritates the stomach and causes vomiting.

    2) Being in a horizontal position, the blood flows down to your throat clogging air passages causing choking on your own blood.

  21. Martin has the ABILITY to cause grave Bodily Harm or Death to Zimmerman. Martin had the size, and strength to cause those injuries, and apparently, per the witness statement, Martin was exercising his ability to do so over on Zimmerman.

    People are so oblivious to Self-defense Laws…it’s unfortunate. Know the Laws, people! Know when your actions can lead to you having Lethal Force used against you!

  22. “it is possible blood could not flow from his nose until he stood up from laying on his back.”

    Furthermore, in this condition he could not scream that loud. And would have definitely be muffled and out of breathe.

    “Yes, if Martin was on top of Zimmerman, punching Zimmerman (as the neighbor stated witnessing), Zimmerman was in imminent danger”

    Again, the fight moved over 50 feet.

  23. “Zimmerman, under the Law, in order to use lethal for did not have to be touched by Martin, in order to use Lethal Force. Read the Law, know the Law. People are oblivious to the Law. All Zimmerman has to do is articulate that he was in fear of Grave Bodily harm or Death, that Martin was a imminent threat.”

    I never disputed this law! TM, also was protected by this law.

  24. We could go on forever about this…armchair quarterbacking something that the Jury seen up close, and dug through for two days debating whether or not find Zimmerman Guilty. Apparently they didn’t see inconsistencies that reached a level of a Guilty verdict.

    Are you finished, now? Or do you have more armchair quarterbackery in you?

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Remembering Trayvon Martin

7/11/2013 – look how George Zimmerman gets crucified by the D.A. and still beats the case!