6/20/13 – Following jury selection in the George Zimmerman murder trial, which features almost all white jurors for a racially-charged case, MSNBC host Al Sh…

WeAreTheSavageNation asked:

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  1. It must kill blacks in America to have to admit that if it weren’t for slavery, they would be in Africa. Slavery set them free, so to speak.

  2. The racial divide puts food on Al Sharptons table. Without it he’d have to get a real job.

  3. Al Sharpton is a RACIST!!!! I’m so sick of this shit… The color of ones skin SHOULD NOT MATTER period!!!

  4. Who cares what race they are! At least the guest didnt get suckered by this stupid asshole.

    Here is fact not opinion
    GZ is free and now a MILLIONAIRE
    TM IS DEAD and is feeding the worms
    Thanks you hair hat wearing bitches.

  6. NOT GUILTY. The jury has spoken, live with it. George Zimmerman is going to have a tough life a head of hm. Thanks for trying to taint the Trial Al Sharpton. Even the Judge tried to fix the trial and the JURY was too smart. Everyone go for a JURY trial, so the people can be in charge of your future, NOT THE STATE!

  7. Ben Crump is a Chump. You’re another racist bastard, I am tired of you using the race card and even try to brand a Mexican or a Portico man as a White Man. You people make me sick and you are the part of the divide in America.

  8. Ben crump is an opportunist and a race baiter. Scum of the earth. Not guilty. Good riddance crump, take ur circus elsewhere POS

  9. The jury has decided, they looked at all the evidence and made their judgement “not guilty”, Zimmerman defended himself, period.

  10. Sharpton doesn’t know how to spell justice. Remember Tuwana Brawley, who accused white men of using feces to mark Nazi swastikas on her body. Sharpton screamed for justice and wanted the worse for them and incited anger and racial tension. Well, she admitted she lied. Sharpton never apologized for his remarks. And he’s supposed to be a reverend. A shame.

  11. As long as the black community allows race baiters and racial dividers like Sharpton, Jackson, Crump and fecal matter like them to represent them, then they can’t complain about racism. They are feeding it. Be careful of what you make your entertainment. It might backfire.

  12. funny how blk men love these same race of woman the same women who will fry ur ass if they had a chance lol stupid

  13. “Can mostly white panel give equal justice?” that’s a clear racist comment itself.

  14. As long as the Black community allows race-Haters and racial-dividers like the KKK, Aryan Nation, Skinheads, Neo-Nazi, Tea-Party and other white-skinned race dividers and fecal matter like them represent the white-skinned community then they can’t complain about their so-called reverse-racism. White-skinned people have a zero birth-rate and are only 11% of the worlds population so they have to put in a global construct that ensures their survival on the planet were they are a minority and non-

  15. If that`s the case why is the jury all white or Caucasian? What is this back to Jim Crow days? Learn about how your race operates. Don’t say it’s not about race when Martin was killed based on his skin color and stereotypes! Once again why is the majority of the jury all white!

  16. ZIMMERMAN guilty


  17. Involuntary manslaughter. If you fuckers riot I will remember the couple in Tennesee tortured and raped for 10 days and the baby and mother shot in georgia. 30 to 1, Minorities kill whites. 30 to 1. We all know it. Come on Rev., You had your chance to make good decesions. YOu failed, a failure, a liar and life destroyer for profit. A proliforator of hoodness and ignorance. A proprietor of bastardry.

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