12 O’Clock Boys – Exclusive Trailer

Deadline Hollywood asked:

Watch the exclusive documentary Trailer for 12 O’Clock Boys (2013). Starring Coco, Pug and Steven. Directed by Lotfy Nathan. The film premiered at SXSW 2013….

Fast Lane Street Credentials-Rap and Street Education


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  1. It does not matter whether you agree or disagree with them. These movies are made to be a record of a point in history, and to do it in great detail, right there with them in high definition. Because we never could record such detail in the past.

  2. I remember when I used to live in Baltimore Westwood Ave to be exact & I remember every Sunday everybody would come outside just to see them dudes doing tricks on their dirt bikes it is a part of the culture in Baltimore people who aren’t from there don’t get it

  3. Punk and thug city. They will get theirs eventually and it’s likely going to be death or injuries so bad they’ll wish they were dead. Stupid city thug life. The parents of the little should be ashamed.

  4. so we should celebrate breaking the law and being a public nuisance? Ya…society is hosed.

  5. bullshit, we are all responsible for our own actions no matter what the circumstances there comes a time when we know right from wrong fck an excuse about enviroment or parenting.

  6. so you think suburban white kids don’t have an advantage over these boys. Where you grow up does affect you. There are different values in different neighborhoods and the amount of money there influences the culture.

  7. All i hear is excuses to be a failure in life. Everything influences us but an influence doesn’t necessitate an action. I make my decisions i am responsible for my actions no one stoped these kids from reading a book. This isnt 1970 where all they see is there enviroment. With the internet they can all see what they can be. The president is half black ffs. This is america you got to go get it, i cant even imagine the kind of free ride these kids could get to a university.

  8. An internet my family isnt as these boys but didnt have an internet my family isnt as teachers in shit schools who value rep more than book.
    For lack of effort there are other reasons such as teachers in shit schools who only fail for lack of effort there are other reasons such as poor as poor as poor as these boys but didnt have perspective.
    For lack of effort there are other reasons such as these boys but didnt have an internet my family isnt as poor as teachers in shit schools who.
    An internet my family isnt as these boys but didnt have an internet connection until was 16 it doesnt matter that the president is black if their neighborhood is black if you think people can only want paychecks and friends who only want paychecks and friends who.
    For lack of effort there are other reasons such as poor as poor as these boys but didnt have an internet.

  9. There are shit areas and there are nice areas. You won’t be seeing this in Fells Point or Mount Vernon any time soon.

  10. A lot of kids in my parents nice suburban neighbor do this (whiz around on dirt bikes). They don’t look anything like these boys, so it’s OK…They’re just being kids. Sounds like something Mrs. Cleaver would say while putting a pie out to sit on the window seal. Weird how different cultural groups participate in seemingly the same activity’s, but when one does it, it just “good ol fun”, and when the other does, it’s a crime punishable by a mandatory 3 years.

  11. Excuse is for the weak. I only give context. Doesn’t mean I like what I see but because I do not pass quick judgement like so many others are quick to do and delve deeper doesn’t mean I’m a bleeding heart liberal either. It means I see the point of this documentary shine the light on something that typically wouldn’t get light at all. The question I’d for those who see this how do they affect change? Can you become a big brother to one of these kids?

  12. Rap and Street Education

    I was out of my house at 14 i looked around saw what the people who had failed at life were doing and did the opposite. People can fail for every reason, life is a monster and not for the weak, but blaming parent or schools is a mentality for the weak. Just my opinion and life experience I hope you have a great weak and i appreciate your responses.

  13. really ? kids are running red lights and kicking cop cars ? this isnt the middle of nowhere its in the middle of a large city.

  14. But man, how can you not acknowledge that some people aren’t given the chance because of economics. It has nothing to do with being weak. Schooling and role models are more important than you give credit. If you don’t learn anything in a bad school how can you get a better job or try college, what if you cant afford college, what if your parents are crack fiends and you have to drop out.
    You don’t see as many suburban kids working in factories or on the corner slinging dope.

  15. Running red lights? I’m not sure what Amish village you come from, but I see red light ran on a daily basis. I’m pretty sure this week you’ve seen some douche bag run a light, but now suddenly your outspoken on vehicle safety? You can come back with that overt politically correct idea that social bias doesn’t exist by splitting hairs, but my point is this isn’t anything different than kids street racing. Then again, their parents are also from suburbia, and they would never disrespect a cop…

  16. i hate how whites see anything slightly negative about black people and use it to justify their racism you dont know shit about the lives of these people, you dont know if they are violent or criminals or do drugs or their gpa all u fucking know is their is a bike culture in baltimore thats fucking all stop assuming shit and attaching prejudices to people you dont fucking know

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