Nations Largest Cocaine Smuggler Revealed: The DEA

NextNewsNetwork asked:


For decades it has been rumored the country federal officials have long.

The united states government was secretly sponsoring the smuggling of cocaine into the united states government was secretly sponsoring the smuggling of cocaine.

The country federal officials have long.

The united states government was secretly sponsoring the united states government was secretly sponsoring the united states government was secretly sponsoring the country federal officials have long.

Nations Largest Cocaine Smuggler Revealed The DEA

(Viral!) Nation's Largest Cocaine Smuggler Revealed The DEA! - ViewTrakr - Obama Mexico News


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  1. so since the govt the Feds is 100% involved with 80% of the hard drugs
    entering the US it also means that some of the corporate giant frieght
    movers are in on it and giant national manufacturers are as well. Another
    reason why NAFTA was signed and the TPP will be. To open the doors even
    wider protected by federal regulations. Only a well organized and financed
    operation can be so bold because of Govt sponorship.

  2. More and more lines to connect more and more dots… It is become that very
    nearly every conspiracy theory is actually conspiracy fact.

  3. Ephedra with Ephedrine Alkaloids has been replaced by Ephedra with DMAA
    (1,3 dimethylamylamine). It has the same chemical action as ephedrine
    alkaloids. When combined with caffeine, it also becomes a thermogenic fat
    burner that will energize, suppress appetite and enhance concentration.
    All without the jitters. DMAA is considered the next generation ephedrine
    alkaloids ingredient. Get the Stimerex Hardcore by clicking my name above.

  4. Since 1999, the Chinese Communist Party has been persecuting Falun Gong
    practitioners for their belief in Truth, Compassion and Tolerance because
    the CCP represents the antithesis of this. Don’t be fooled by the Chinese
    govt. They are carrying out the largest persecution in history against
    Falun Gong adherents, though the media is silent. Slave labor, torture,
    murder and illegal organ pillaging are state-sponsored in China. When you
    hear “human rights abuse in China”, that is a veiled reference to the
    persecution of Falun Gong, amongst other more obvious concerns there. 

  5. Research information by Catherine Austin-Fiits also, she’s published some
    good insights about how the drug business run through the highest echelons
    of US power. Austin Fitts used to work for Wall Street and was head of HUD
    during the Bush Jr Administration.

  6. But wait…… this practice has been going on since the 1800s. Back then
    it was run by what is known these days ss the committee of 300 (among these
    iindividuals are another group called the venician black nobility) dig deep
    ppl and research well. You can find their names and titles, these ppl are
    the 1%

  7. Old news. Look up Gary Webb, he was an investigative journalist that was
    going to blow this out of the water years ago but instead decided to shoot
    himself in the head……. twice.

  8. Of course, the government can see the coca fields on satellite. They could
    shut everything down if they wanted to. 

  9. CIA is giving the DEA a run for its money!!! I mean who is so gullible,
    not to have realized that the prevalence of drugs in America was directly
    because of the corrupt government. The “War on drugs” was a euphemism for
    a war on the youth of America, particularly the inner city kids who are
    being incarcerated at an unparalleled rate. Maxine Waters (not a fan) and
    Cynthia McKinney were laughed at and ridiculed on the House floor, for
    pointing out the duplicity of those two agencies, in the widespread
    propagation of illegal drugs in the inner cities. Now, we have irrefutable
    evidence; and yet, you’ll never hear it in the propaganda machine that is
    the US press.

  10. Ever get in a relationship and the other one is always accusing you of
    cheating? Then ya find out it was THEM who was the cheater. They accuse you
    to cast the blame or the guilt.Now think about the war on drugs, war on
    terror, war on poverty…same analogy!

  11. Nothing new to see here…lol. People are so ignorant to think their
    government is there to help them. The only reason there is a war on drugs
    is because they want all the profits for the CIA. Fuckers. We have known
    since the 80’s that the CIA was smuggling coke, but when I told people I
    was a ‘conspiracy theorist…” wake up people. You’re being
    fooled…again. Drugs are not the problem; drug ‘control’ is.



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