Martin Luther King Interview- Civil Rights

Merv GriffinShow asked:

Martin Luther King


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  1. right but who are they most afraid of PEOPLE OF COLOR… WHY??? cus we are
    the ones powerful enough to stop them if we are united… That’s why blacks
    have been enslaved and mistreated for THOUSANDS of years.. Now left with no
    identity and no vision.. “Without a vision the ppl will perish”

  2. All you are doing is a bunch of name calling and personal insults. You are
    confronted to with a reality you refuse process, the reality of White
    Genocide. You respond the way the intellectually exhausted have for
    thousands of years: you throw a tantrum. Just because you are White doesn’t
    mean you can’t be Anti-White. That’s what the term TRAITOR was invented for.

  3. Christianity Today promotes Communist Martin Luther King Jr. According to
    ChristianityToday, “No Christian played a more prominent role in the
    century’s most significant social justice movement.” This is tragic! Few
    Christians are aware of the evils of Martin Luther King Jr. —King was an
    IMPOSTER ChristianityToday also promotes Rock Music, Witchcraft,
    Homosexuality and Satanism. Billy Graham is the organization’s founder.
    King propagated a social Gospel of ecumenism which is evil in itself.

  4. an Awesome interview that “I” had never seen before :: Join with us to do
    something about the #economic condition that most Negroes are still finding
    themselves in; oddly enough this Interview from the 60’s is still relevant
    today – that is a real shame :: “The negroe has a kind of determination,
    and there are numerous allies in the white community with the same kind of
    determination and with this coalition we can move forward and solve these
    problems” – #DrMartinLutherKingJr -

  5. Today, the Negroe is still in the same #economic #condition that
    #DrMartinLutherKingJr is speaking of in this incredible Interview that I
    had never seen – until a few moments ago. – I Share this vision too, that
    there ARE Determined Negroes, and also Determined people in the White
    Community, who are willing to work together and FIX what is wrong in our
    Society; Especially today :::

  6. Funny how everyone brings up racism in the South, yet Mr. King speaks here
    about having to visit New York frequently because “there’s always something

  7. Dr. Martin L. King was such a classy intelligent peaceful man. Who I’m sure
    must of been angered by all of the racism and racial discrimination on the
    country. That he and the African-American community were put through. But
    always used his intelligence and cool temperament to advance his cause.
    Based on the facts and communicating his message in a way that united
    people behind him. Instead of dividing the country even further. 

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This video basically gives the viewer a good idea on how the war on drugs has failed and how we continue to spend.

Martin Luther King Jr. Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech