cool israeli hip hop video

blazer1xx1 asked:



cool israeli hip hop video, with dances moves and great lyrics

cool israeli hip hop video


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  1. This is just crap… cheesy and unoriginal…. find your own style instead of stealing your style from the USA….Oh i forgot you cant do anything without the USA…. gues it applies to Music too!

  2. hip hop video

    Thats “dumbass”… I suggest you first go learn how to spell before posting responses. Maybe instead of Israeli’s prestending to be from south central LA, they should focus on the real ghettos which their tax money helped to create namely the Gaza strip & West Bank.

  3. Its ashame you can’t spell terrorist too! And excuse me I know nothing about the Middle East? I have never been there? I am Palestinian m8 and I have been back to my homeland many times. I do not base my opinions from what I see on the news… i base them on what I have seen with my own eyes and what is real. You also call the “terrorists” (resistence) greedy when since Israels creation all the Israelis have done was to steal more and more land from the Palestinians! Get real!

  4. yo fucko, how bout you mess with someone who does know English these guys are from israel, they shudnt know english perfectly. get the fuck out of here asshole. First, you’re Palestinian, that already makes a dirty bastard, 2nd of all, Jews are half of 1% percent of the world’s population, because in the past Jews didn’t kill you if you didn’t believe in “allah”. “Allah” isnt a god of peace if it says it will kill Jews. And yet jews are responsible for more than 40% of noble prizes and again 1%

  5. Hey!!! Let’s keep it friendly… No disrespect but understand this….God told Abraham ” I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you” So I’d be careful on the disses… An israeli is a decendant of Abraham and God’s word still stands. But even so, you gotta give em credit for the effort. . Remember, everybody has room for improvement. nobody is perfect. every style is built on the foundantion of something.

  6. the rapper is alon de loco… singer is gad elbaz.. song is called halila ze hazman… means tonight’s the night (really tonight’s the time)

  7. Now that’s some wise words my friend 🙂
    We all humans and got issues but
    do the thing you want to be done to yourself and you will go far. Build your life on love not farming fear, anger and judgement.

    Much love

  8. Hey, anybody know an israeli song that goes something like bang bang clap bang bang clap kol hakavod vihol hanehamot vitazkano? ANYBODY??!!!!

  9. @JuicyBoobies1 Just use an online translator, you could also use it to translate your responses to a foreign language for certain videos.

  10. חחחחחחחחח מה זה ריקוד הצעדים חחחחחחח איזה קליפ אחד המעפנים יש כאללה קליפים מפגרים !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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