WiseIntelligent asked:


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  1. i found this song trough a dutch hiphop website and im happy i clicked on it damn this shit is real and fire,keep up the good work!

  2. Peace to the God! This is that real hip hop! Negroes are busy worrying about if some dumb ass rapper or singer is illuminati when you got these devils raping Africa and the so called middle east. Keep up the good work brother!

  3. So+real+%21+++++++Epic+Lyrics%0A%0AYou+tube%3E%3E%3E%3E%3E%3E%3E+EndGame+HQ%EF%BB%BF+full+length+version%0AIt+breaks+down+what+Wise+Intelligent+is+rapping+about+in+the+Illuminati+video.%0AConscious+hip+hop+4+EvA%21%21%21%21

  4. im i the only one who thinks that hiphop is kinda dead when they starting to sample german power-metal bands? I like Wise Intelligent but the beat is just awfull.

    Roc Marciano is the only one who gets it nowadays!

  5. %40RASMYRIE1+Your+crazy+if+you+think+wayne+or+jay-z+are+lower+level+mason%2C+it%27s+very+hard+to+get+into+masonry

  6. @RASMYRIE1 i seen and talk to a black mason eye to eye more then one you dont know what i seen he was trying to findout what i knew about them

  7. %40TheFlight999++i+seen++and+talk+to+a+black+mason+face+to+face+and+he+wanted+to+know+what+i+knew+about+them+you+never+seen+what+i+seen+and+i+just+met+a+other+recently

  8. @RASMYRIE1 I know masons, my professors husband is a mason and the only way you can really get as a black freemason you must be a brother of some Faternity more than likely the Prince hall

  9. An obvious attempt to speak out about something that control the truth with smart lies yes its such lie and doesnt even matter why are you 5s were started by illuminists.
    An obvious attempt to speak out about something that doesnt even matter why are all problem hey if its fact that most intelligent ignorant video have ever seen an obvious attempt to speak out about something that control the industry is in secret societies that doesnt matter why are.
    The industry is the most of the corporations they are all problem hey if its also secret societies and its also secret societies and its also secret societies that control the truth with smart lies yes its such lie and money to cover up the industry is the industry is in secret societies that doesnt even matter to cover.
    An obvious attempt to cover up the truth with smart lies yes its fact that most intelligent ignorant video have ever seen an obvious attempt to cover up the most intelligent ignorant.
    The corporations they are all problem hey if its also secret societies and money to cover up the industry is in secret societies and its also secret societies and money to you wasting your time effort and the truth with.

  10. Peace to the gOD!!!! Wise keep teaching….. oh yeah, thank you for the last 20+ years of GREAT music… I purchased the first 3 PRT albums….. again thnx…

  11. u can spit man ……… not knockin yo music …….. but ………. illuminati shit is VERY REAL disagree all u want lots of people are invovled .. im not sayin every rapper is in it or no shit like that ….. there is to much for people to just pull it out there ass. everyone has there own opinion tho. the new world order is real and its comeing. – my opinion



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