Nas performs Daughters on the 1Xtra Stage


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  1. So the only artists you ever listen to are ones that dont evolve? the only people you listen to are ones that lyrics you can relate to? if that was the case then I would only ever listen to 30 yr old black males from South East London. Jay is like an author that provides lyrics that speak on his current reality. He has gone from rapping about dealing in Marcy to owning Basquiat artwork. That is inspirational and thought provoking no matter where you come from. Do you even know who Basquiat is?

  2. No mate. Do you even know what he means when he says ‘The Nets can go 0-82 and I look at you like this shit gravy’?? The guy has a stake in an NBA team for gods sake!!

  3. @bevjora Why you stating such obvious stuff? Most people know that. And yes I know who Jean Michel Basquiat is thanks. I

  4. Over the years Jay Z has gained new fans…Mainly Kids who listen to Justin Bieber, Beyonce, Rhianna, Calvin Harris, David G etc..Jay Z is switching his style to suit these new middle/upper class kids. Jay Z has little intelligent lyrical content in his tracks these days, what he spits is weak. Usually about drinks or money. Nas is an intelligent guy who is keeping HipHop alive.  Jay Z, Good business man, shit lyricist

  5. NIGGA PLEASE LOL!! My point exactly do you own any basquiat artwork? do you have the means to go get some today? How is that relevant to yours or anyones life with the state of the economy? JayZ is the rapping equivalent of robert Deniro, they were both once great but now they are just getting paid. Kanye West is injecting some new life into him and thats simply because he’s a fan. Jay Z should just put on a suit again instead looking like an old man in a baseball cap trying to dance to dubstep

  6. So all the entertainment, reading and music you consume to has to be relevant to the economy and your current social standing? what a restrictive life you lead my friend. Ever heard of the term ‘Escapism’?

  7. Hmmm? lets see i actually do the job I want to do, I have a lot of family, friends and good people around me I have no reason to want to escape. And south east london aint that bad my friend granted I wouldn’t want to live there but Im sure if i did I wouldn’t want to escape. I think you need to come the conclusion that you are no longer a hip hop fan, your a fan of pop music now, its not a bad thing there are some decent pop artists out there doing their thing.

  8. @muddyworms Don’t waste your time with that fool, he listens to Calvin Harris and David Guetta ….SNM

  9. Oh well, time to dust off my Mos Def and Jay Dilla records, put on a fitted cap and a pair of timbos. I guess thats what makes you a true hip hop fan. Time for me to lament about the death of Hip Hop in the noughties and how the only ‘Real Hip Hop’ artists rap over large professor beats made on Roland SP1200s. Sorry homey, but Hip Hop evolved and i’ve evolved with it. I did grow up in the 90s, but im not arrogant enough to just dismiss modern Hip Hop culture and use the ‘P’ word (pop) as a slur.

  10. glad to see that there are still people of intelligence and culture out there my friend. Now we can both agree that its better to rap about Basquiat and the MOMA than it is to rap about being a ‘Pussy Monster’ (shout out to Lil Weezy hahaha).

  11. @bevjora I don’t have a problem with HipHop evolving if it evolved into something amazing, something ground breaking! But it’s not! Not only do the majority of fans agree so do the major HipHop artists. I just don’t like people saying Jay Z is the “king” and HipHop is better now than back in the 90s, because that’s the biggest load of shit I’ve ever heard

  12. Just listen to his lyrics since Blue print 3, and look at the features on his albums its similar to Justin B’s new album. And you don’t have to dust off the Mos Def albums he is still producing music, relevant music, good quality music. Pop music consists of a formula that much of Jay Z’s current work embodies.

  13. we’re gonna have to agree to disagree because obviously you are from a school of people that believe that Hip Hop is only relevant if its ‘Conscious’ and talks about the ills of society and political injustices of inner city youths (even though Jay touches on these subjects as well, listen to ‘Murder to Excellence’…its relevant). Sometimes dont we all just wanna forget about our problems and have a good fucking time!!! hahahaha

  14. And seriously Im born and raised in North London never worn a pair of timberlands much less a fitted cap. I don’t deal in externals, maybe thats part of your problem, you talk about escaping, evolving and seemingly not being too proud to be from south east london. Just be happy being you then you might not feel the need to jump on every band wagon that comes along. I bet you had braids once didn’t you? come on be hones. Sssshhhit you still got em.

  15. If you think jayz’s lyrics are dumb then your a fucking retard, and no doubt nas is one of the greats but jay z is also. Listen to reasonable doubt then say jay’s lyrics are dumb.

  16. @akash171096 U f*cking dik…read all my comments. I’ve said reasonable doubt and blueprint were big. It’s his recent shit I don’t like

  17. like Hova said ”do you fools listen to music or do you just skim through it”???

  18. Nas fans are so Bitter….if yu love nas like yu claim on youtube show it….when Hov was building himself, the industry was had all the support for nas and now Nas fans wanna break something they never help built…either love HOV or leave him alone…stop convincing his fans to hate him.he told you 96 that he came to take this shit and he did, but b/c yu fucks dont listen to reality rap and yu prefer imaginary shit so u didn’t see it coming…

  19. Nas fans claim they understand real hiphop so much and to prove that, they gotta say jay is garbage SMH (i wish esco taught his fans in his music like jay has done to his)……i like ESCO but his fans are dumb dumbs..they don’t knw shit but always claim real hiphop tittle… about yu fucks say something new..cos ain’t nobody realer than that boy HOVa

  20. jay z is the peoples champion Nas is the industry champion…jay is rapping at 42 b/c we still wanna hear what he has to say……sorry but he’s here on POPULAR DEMAND 

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