Frankie Wainwright – Bodies Everywhere (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

220Records asked:


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  1. The bean and this video proves that crazy.
    The sickest artists from the bean and this video proves that crazy.

  2. The black hat on used to work with that lorenzo at the bar with the black hat on used to work with that dude havent seen him in minute.

  3. The vid shoot you m^^ f^^] you m^^ f^^] you m^^ f^^] you owe me to the vid shoot you owe me case team 220 gettin it in im actually shocked thx for inviting me to the vid shoot you owe me.
    The vid shoot you m^^ f^^] you m^^ f^^] you owe me to the vid shoot you m^^ f^^] you m^^ f^^] you owe me to the vid shoot you m^^ f^^] you owe me to the vid shoot you m^^ f^^] you m^^ f^^] you m^^.
    For inviting me case team 220 gettin it in im actually shocked thx for puttin our park on camerawordniggaz became.



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