Sacred Geometry and Telekinesis (Religious Buildings Are Designed to Steal Your Soul)

Conscious9Conscience asked:


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  1. The few that can explain this to street level nagasthe rest love to entrench it in long winded words and language.

  2. So does this makes the crescent moon evil? Does this makes the horns of a bovine brought into existence by Halal? And no you do not walk pass a plant in an attempt to speak upon a higher spiritual level, with a bastard language as your tongue. Sound is energy on a perfect course until altered by an external force changes. Why? Because sound is a living entity.

  3. Let+me+know+when+your+ready+to+go+to+Nigeria+God%21+Brownsville+up+in+here%21%21+Dumont+Ave%21%21+Bklyn+produces+yet+another+God%21%21

  4. @universal9sun That’s what’s up! Btwn Mother Gaston and Dumont right now Rockaway Ave. We have to get up family. It’s good to know we have some of us amongst the living dead. This makes the living dead potential to be woken up. Let’s do it. The Messiah is going to come out the “hood”. You already know!
    Your brother in truth Polight! I am Sirius.

  5. see yall keep proving what we been trying tell you”NEGROS” all along!!! this man just said his blood is igbo, THE IGBO’S ARE KNOWN ISRAELITES! Their history and culture still show signs of their past. look them up. what ever yo ancestors were doing, thats what YOU should be doing NOT what the egyptians were doing.

  6. 🙂 I wish I had found this when I was in architecture school….this is what I was looking for and it took me forever to connect all the dots!

  7. were is he getting his info or outformation from what book or chap in tablets or black book or what were this coming from halla back

  8. Peace+u+r+sooo+on+it%21%21%21+Im+goin+through+yur+vids+im+gona+get+sum+of+yur+book+u+n+yur+children+wrote.+where+can+i+get+a+reputible+DNA+test%3F

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