motion to surpress

FlexYourRights asked:

Rap and Street Education


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  1. @badpanda84: I carry a MP3 recorder. I don’t know if, nor did i that everyone else does.
    I addressed the legality when I said “if it’s legal in your state”
    I didn’t say it was to prove absence of probable cause.

  2. %40badpanda84%3A+Of+course.%0ADon%3B%27+know+why+you+feel+the+need+to+tell+me+though%2C+I+never+said+different.

  3. @badpanda84 the dogs still constitute a violation of the 4th amendment because you refused to be searched. a dog isnt a loophole…its a cop. of course cops are gonna cooperate with other cops to screw you royally while protecting each other. a cop can signal a dog to bark, a dog can smell your pasta house leftovers and bark because its hungry…drug-sniffing canines dont have been proven ineffective and unreliable. if you refuse and the dog barks, you can have that thrown out too…

  4. The cops have to acutally find the dog to look and bark dog barking dosent prove you have to be correct just likely to be correct.
    The cops have drugs the dog can signal dog can smell your pasta house leftovers and gives probable cause note probable cause note probable cause note.

  5. @ryansiki “What if I tell the police that I’m Jesus???”

    I think that is enough probable cause to suggest you are on some kind of drugs — unless you are mexican in which case you first name might actually be Jesus

  6. Sorry what? If you’re a criminal in America, and the police find out you’re a criminal…

    You get away with it because you didn’t want the police to find out that you’re a criminal?

    This is a logical fail.

  7. @Alexc3217 Not at all. Please read the fourth amendment to the Constitution of the US. Don’t like the fact that officers can’t search you like some Gestapo or NKVD agent? Don’t live in the US. People have the right to their person, and people also have the right not to be thought of as criminals by the very system that they support with THEIR money. The only reason this appears to be a logical fail to you is because you assume anyone being searched is a criminal. That is a silly assumption.

  8. Fast Lane Street Credentials-Rap and Street Education

    ok, now if the cop wrongly searched you and didnt find anything then he should get in trouble.BUT, if he wrongly searches you and finds illegal drugs or what ever, you should get punished..and not complain like a little school kid having to go to the principals office for hitting a school mate! its sad how our legal system protects the scum out there! aka, dont want to get arrested?then dont do illegal things! common sense

  9. %40wizardsbane+What+is+it+with+Americans+and+clinging+to+the+amendments+like+some+kind+of+religious+doctrine%3F+As+some+kind+of+last+word+of+pure+unquestionable+morality.+%0A%0AThey+shouldn%27t+let+criminals+go+simply+because+of+some+ridiculous+rule+about+privacy.+Criminals+don%27t+deserve+privacy.

  10. @Alexc3217: In the U.S., the Constitution in not only a good thing…
    it’s the law.

    Criminals don’t get privacy.

  11. @Alexc3217 Yes, let it out, the constitution is just turrible. What else? It’s the base for our present government, it is of immense importance and should be treated as such.

    Again, you misunderstand the principles of judicial proceedings in the US. You are INNOCENT until proven guilty. Evidence obtained illegally should not be admissible in court because the officer would have had to forego the presumption of innocence and violate the fourth amendment, ergo committing a crime to prove one.

  12. @bnewton81 You might be right to a point but you don’t fight the cop at the court. The cop is only a witness – he can’t prosecute you. Simply said: The cop lost his jurisdiction over you at the precise moment you declined to give him a consent to search you. Any good constitutional attorney can easily impeach the cop just by giving him right questions that will prove that he acted against the the very Constitution that he swore to uphold. Other issues come into play as well.

  13. Fast Lane Street Credentials-

    yea after you have spent how much money in lawyer fees …. for what looked like maybe an once of weed …. the law is mad fucked up …. and most (not all) cops are dick heads …. legalize it !!!!!!!!!!!

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