You Have the Right to Remain Silent (Use It!)

You Have the Right to Remain Silent (Use It!)


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  1. if+the+fifth+states+that+property+can niet +be+taken+without+due+process%2C+then+Imminent+Domain+is+Illegal.+but+actually%2C+there+a+phrase+added+%22or+just+compensation%22+and+if+you+home+is+being+taken+under+the+cause+the+Imminent+Domain.+make+sure+that+the+price+the+government+is+offering+matches+its+resale+value%2C+within+a+desired+tolerance.

  2. Just this month the United States Supreme Court revemped the Mirada rights. They staed that Just being silent isn`t enough. FROM NOW ON YOU MUST INFORM THE POLICE THAT YOU ARE INVOKING YOUR RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT. THIS IS A NEW TWIST.

  3. +But+not+even+the+supreme+court+or+the+president+can+change+our+constitution+since+that+is+what+our+country+was+built+on.+My+dad+works+for+the+government%2C+and+he+confirms+you%27re+wrong de David%2C+%0AI%27m+sorry+to+tell+you.

  4. @snoopyloopy
    No, they spelled it correctly. I don’t think, though, that English is their primary language…

  5. @JemmetGK yea, they spelled “imminent” right, but the word they needed there was “eminent.” “imminent” and “eminent” do not mean the same thing…

  6. @snoopyloopy
    Well, you made me second guess meself so I went looking at the laws and definitions; “Imminent” is the correct usage in this case. Basic definition is, “…likely to occur.” In that the apropriation of a particular bit of land would likely have occured regardless of ownership.
    The word “eminent” means of lofty status, to which we get the title, “Eminence”. Mostly used with high religious orders and addressed as “Your Eminence”.

  7. %40snoopyloopy+%0AI+can+actually+pointe+out+a+case+of+Imminent+Domain+that+was+used+a+few+years+ago+in+the+town+I+live+in+now.%0AA+particular+long+stretch+of+semi-rural+road+was+to+be+widened+from+2+lanes+to+4+lanes%2Bmedian.++There+was+already+houses+with+established+yards+along+the+majority+of+the+road+within+the+city+limits.++The+Highway+District+office+used+ID+to+appropriate+enough+land+on+either+side+of+the+roads+to+make+the+widening+project+happen.++There+were+suits+left+and+right%2C+but…

  8. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

  9. Fast Lane Street Credentials-

    @Johnny127ful “….Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. if you cannot afford one, one shall be appointed to for.”

  10. %40owned0110+No.+Only+the+Miranda+Rights.+Right+to+remain+silent%2C+right+to+see+an+attorney%2C+everything+you+say+can+and+will+be+used+against+you+in+a+court+of+law%2C+etc.+Of+course… +That+doesn%27t+mean+a+cop+WILL+read+you+your+rights.

  11. if the police stop you randomly (and you havent did anything) and you dont talk to them, they will probley think you have done somthing and arrest you. Then later when they find out you have not did anything they will arrest you for wasting police time.

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