When are Police Allowed to Frisk Me?

FlexYourRights asked:

Rap and Street Education


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  1. I’m wondering do they have the right to take your bag if you are carrying one and search through that?

  2. %40TheSpy312+No+in+another+video+it+says+the+can+frisk+you%2C+just+the+outside+of+your+clothing+anyway%2C+but+they+can+frisk+you%EF%BB%BF+if+they+want+%3D%2F

  3. Mann this some BS!!! I get stopped all the time just kuz im black and live in a Bad neighborhood!! there probable cause, and reasonable suspicion is are worst enemy Kuz soon as we even think about asserting are rights all they have to do is say REASONABLE suspicion! and search us anyway! this crap is ridicules

  4. Fast Lane Street Credentials-

    I thought I was safe until I saw the videos of G20 (since I’m Canadian) and I’m just shocked to see that our police force is on the level of the NYPD now, or close to it.

    I feel bad for American minorities though, they get treated even worse then Canada treats its natives and their treatment up here is just despicable.

  5. @USANAVY007 that’s because they are at the top of surveillance. nobody step d on them when they get out of line like they do to us.

  6. seems+to+me+cops+do+as+they+please%2C+and+more+one+play%27s+games%2C+they+will+just+lock+you+up%2C+unless+u+have+few+witness.%2CI+have+yet+to+see+from+this%EF%BB%BF+vids+solid+protected+rights%2C

  7. wait+it+said+i+can+deny+to+pull+the+item+out+of+my+pocket but+b4+u+said+thy+can+pull%EF%BB%BF+it+out+of+your+pocket+so+if+thy+ask+for+concent+thy+cant+do+it+if+i+say+no+but+i+thy+just+do+it+i+cant+deny+them+to+do+it+or+wht%3F

  8. When are Police Allowed to Frisk Me?

    Coming from a “professional lawyer” like this douchebag lawyer is teaching you is incorrect. Police CAN pat down ANYBODY they want. All they have to say is its for your safety and mine..If you refuse..you just gave them reasonable suspicion to do it anyway…Noway on this earth will any police officer with more than 3 minutes of street time will let you empty your own pockets…Dumbest thing i ever heard..

  9. My neighbourhood in my neighbourhood in my neighbourhood in my neighbourhood in my neighbourhood in my neighbourhood in my neighbourhood in my neighbourhood in amsterdam.

  10. @USANAVY007 I seen taht with my own eyes online, a NYPD Cruiser and 2 cops took a kids skateboard, Put it in there boot and drove off.

  11. @USANAVY007 New York City has a “Stop and Frisk” policy set up by the Mayor. They may pat you down but they may NOT pull anything out of your pocket. The only way they can bust you is if they manipulate YOU into pulling something out of your pocket. Then it becomes in view to the public and they can arrest you for it. Make sure you say “i don’t consent to any searches” this will help you if they use foul play to expose something youre carrying. Hope that helps.

  12. What+happens+if+you+run+from+the+cops+cause+it%27s+fun+then+if+they+catch+you+and+find+nothing+illegal+can+they+arrest+you+just+for+running+from+the+cops… +After+they+detain+you+and+put+handcuffs+on+you+are+they+allowed+to+search+you+then.+Then+do+you+also+have+to+talk+to+them… +cause+I+know%EF%BB%BF+you+usually+don%27t+have+to+say+anything+besides+your+name.

  13. A+trick+that+British+police+use+if+you%27re+wanted.+%28Lets+pretend+my+name+is+John+East+and+the+officer+is+looking+for+a+John+East%29%0A%0AOfficer%3A+Excuse+me%2C+I+have+reason%EF%BB%BF+to+believe+that+you%27re+%22Adam+Halfpenny%22+%28slight+twist+of+truth%29%0AMe%3A+Me%3F+No+my+names+John+East%2C+I+have+some+ID+to+prove+it.%0A%0AOfficer%3A+Okay+lemme+see.+%28Looks+at+ID%29+John+East+you%27re+under+arrest+on+suspicion+of



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