Ja Rule “Fuck Fame” In Studio Video

Ruleyorktv asked:

On Ja Rule’s last day as a free man for the next 18 months he was in the studio recording his intro “Fuck Fame” for his highly anticipated album ‘PIL2’. Here is the visual captured by @DoeDoLLa

Rap and Street Education


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  1. and probably gone be the last! adeolu2k5 lolz sorry ja rule you still my nig thats why i subscribed

  2. Free+Ja%21%21%21+Good+album%21+very+nica+classic+sound+of+2K+with+man+or+woman+vocal.+Love+it.%0AI+have+a+dream+idea+-+Ja+Rule+with+DMX+in+one%EF%BB%BF+song%21

  3. This+is+actually+cool+as+fuck.+Let%27s+see+if+the+hip%EF%BB%BF+hop+world+jumps+on+it+or+accepts+it+now+that+Ja+does no +seem+to+be+an+outcast+anymore.+.this+is+funky+as+fuck+and+if+you+do no +feel+it+check+your+heart+ %0A%0Athis+hook+is+fucking+addictive. .maybe+he+bought+the+track+lol

  4. ON THE PIL2 ALBUM there is slightly more left out from this upload here thumbs up so everyone can note that also i heard ja went in for 28 months not 18 months anymore, if that ever was his sentence. Sub me for some various good vids to come in due time some of which may include ja beats at the end. me and ja born in the same week! happy b day for us both!

  5. The entire album is sick from intro to ending !!! Glad I bought the album !!! I would recommend this album for HIPHOP FANS of the era late 90s and early 2000 !!!! You can purchase this album at FYI store !!!

  6. @Playitalready He still coming out in FEB 2013 !!!! He did a interview over the phone of course the day of his birthday hit me with info if you want to listen to the audio.

  7. %40billyvassi+Right+on+man+this+is%EF%BB%BF+awesomeness+and+I+can%27t+wait+for+the+40days+40+nights+Fuck+Fame+Tour+%21%21%21%21

  8. %40Redlinshifter+you+stopped+commenting+before+but+looks+like+you+find+me+here%21+i+heard+only+some+of+an+interview+from+vlad+tv+but+did niet +finish+it+was+it+in+there%3F+email+the+interview+how%2Fwhen+did+it+get+down+from+28+months%3F+i+remember%EF%BB%BF+thinkin+that+might+happen+for+good+behavior.+anyway+june+7+2011+to+feb+2013+is+like+20+months+not+18.

  9. @Redlinshifter …i really wan know pil2 sales but i cant find nutin yet please keep me posted

  10. Ja Rule “Fuck Fame” In Studio Video

    @Playitalready Checkout FYI store thats were I purchased my Hard Copy of PIL2 !!!! Good luck



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