R.I.P. WHITNEY HOUSTON-Last Performance at Kelly Price’s “For the Love of R&B” Pre-Grammy Party


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  1. What can u say? Sad. Very very sad. Emptyness. But as so often – the Music and the Legend remains and makes Jewels like her and so (too) many others we’ve lost immortal . If I die tomorrow nobody will give a damn. R.I.P. Whitney…

  2. Wow. She kind of gargled and rasped. Her voice was shot. Tragic what she did to herself.

  3. %40utwobing+I+agree%2C+I+mean+like+u+said+they+always+say+you+can%27t+save+someone+from+themselves+%26+they+have+to+WANT+to+get+help+but+%40+what+point+do+you+stop+%26+think+you+know+what+this+hands+off+approach+ISN%27T+working%2C+they+haven%27t+hit+bottom%2C+maybe+I+should+step+in+%26+do+something+regardless+of+what+is+said.++It%27s+so+sad+that%EF%BB%BF+another+celebrity+has+passed+away+esp.+someone+like+Whitney+%3A%28+and+if+drugs+did+play+a+factor+then+I+feel+even+more+horrible+for+her+poor+daughter+who+is+already+sufferering+%3A%28

  4. %40maik723+that est +how+it+is+and%EF%BB%BF+I+think+its+sad.+Whitney+been+through+so++much+dealing+with+her+own+problems+and+then+recently+having+to+deal+with+the+media+talking+about+her+daughter+being+on+drugs+and+everything.+And+on+the+internet+the+night+before+she+died+the+media+was+saying+she+was+drunk+and+and+she+wasn%27t+singing+well+and+things+like+that.

  5. @maik723 And I know people personally that take drugs and I ask them why they take the drugs. They all say the same thing when they take the drugs it take the hurt and pain away not just mentally but physically. I almost numb them up.

  6. Fast Lane Street Credentials-

    I used to not mind the jokes about her being an addict. Looking back, I realized how horrible it was to stamp on her, being the legend that she was.

  7. Cuál es +the+deference+between+Whitney+Houston+and+my%EF%BB%BF+car%3F%0AMY+CAR+CAN+MAKE+IT+UP+TO+50%21

  8. Not being able to sing like she once did was devastating to her. Seeing all the new singers like Kim, Kelly and Faith, women that can Really blow, she just wanted to jump in and sing with them and shine and share her talent and voice with them. She couldn’t!! That’s enough to drive you to not want to live. She knew the power of her gift. And she also knew that she was the cause of harming her gift. Then guilt sets in. That will destroy ANYONE!!! Yet she’s the greatest of all singers!! RIP Wit!!!

  9. yeah well, after reading about all the drugs this fucking skag was taking, its really a miracle she lived as long as she did. fuck her, we need better role models for our kids than crack whores like her! may she burn in hell for the rest of eternity…

  10. Rap and Street Education

    She couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t talk and she sure couldn’t sing. She squandered her gift and threw it away not realizing that, indeed, was all she had. She was beautiful, intelligent, had modeled, had an acting career, spoke beautifully and knew how to “work a crowd” as they say but something was missing. She traded fame and fortune for her soul and in the end the devil came calling for his due. Same story. Different actors. Same as MJ who made the same mistake. Satan collects on his debts.

  11. %40blewis9505+Are+You+Serious%3F++Why+does+it+got al +be+%27Satan+collecting+debts%3F%22++Why+can%27t+it+be+God+saying%2C+%22My+Child%2C+I+love+you+and+its+time+to+come+HOME%21%22++She+is+with+GOD.++Saved%EF%BB%BF+Sinners+go+to+heaven.++Recognize +PEACE%3E

  12. faithHopeAmour. You are the reason I do not dare to put myself in an occult such as the lie you live. I guess when you die Satan will definitely collect his debt or his demon……….lol You! God Bless you Whitney and your family!

  13. R.I.P. WHITNEY HOUSTON Last Performance at Kelly Price

    Drugs aside, I wonder if she suffered from some other disorder that ruined her voice like early-stage throat cancer or Sarcoidoces.

  14. I+wonder+how+hard+this+must+be+on+Cissy.++She%27s+been+in+Whitney%27s+life%EF%BB%BF+everyday+since+1963%2C+plus+she+gave+birth+to+her.++I+know+the+memories+must+be+a+killer.

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