By: Rap and Street Education


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  1. Fast Lane Street Credentials-Rap and Street Education

    Gunplay has that energy that most rappers lack nowadays… they to busy trying to act cool and childish.

  2. real+shit+GunPlay+is+underrated… got+originality+and+crazy+as+fuck+and+look+like+he%EF%BB%BF+fun+as+fuk+to+chill+wit…

  3. This+is+a+one+time+offer+to+receive+a+10%24+h+card+of+your+choice.+These+are+the+steps++1.+Download+app+trailers+on+the+app+store+don%27t+worry+it%27s+free%C2%A0+2.+Create+a+account+an+enter+this+code+dragon246+on+the+bonus+code%C2%A0+3.+Redeem+your+prize+below+the+app++THIS%EF%BB%BF+WILL PAS +LAST+SO+HURRY%21%21+Remember%3A+dragon246+dragon246

  4. 3616 Likes and 7 Dislikes……….. that is my record for COD MW3 -_- 3616 Kills and 7 Deaths…… i hope yall know that was an extreem lie -_- my rec. is 1167 kills and 56 deaths… I KNOW THIS IS OFF TOPIC, BUT HAVE A GOOD DAY

  5. Three+Best+things%EF%BB%BF+in+the+World+for+me+now%3A%5D%3A%5D%3A%5D%3A%5D%3A%5D%3A%5D%3A%5D%0A1.+LinMy+boyfriend%21%0A2.+55cheap.+com–the+Cheapest+Shopping+site%0A3.+the+video+above+the+most+ironical+and+interesting+video+I+think%3A%5D%3A%5D%3A%5D%3A%5D%3A%5D%3A%5D%3A%5D%3A%5D%3A%5D

  6. Three Best things in the World for me now:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
    1. Lin——My boyfriend!
    2. 55cheap. com–the Cheapest Shopping site
    3. the video above—- the most ironical and interesting video I think:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]



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