Debate: Does Obama Still Need Hip Hop?


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  1. plus+that+other+girls+tall%21%21+or+that+guy+standing+next+to+her+is+way%EF%BB%BF+too+short+lol

  2. i+will niet is het +get+too+deep%EF%BB%BF+on+a+hip+hop+video+talking+about+%22black+jesus+aka+obama+%22+any+more+smh%21%21%21+blind+fucks+i+swear+obama+can+do+no+wrong%0A%0Athe+last+real+president+we+had+was+kennedy+if+obama+get+killed+that +when+i+know+he+was+for+the+american+people+everybody+not+just+black+people

  3. If Barack Obama likes commercial american hip-hop post-1999, he is in support of egocentric capitalist retardedness, so I hope not. If he’s into the kind of hip-hop the Jumpoff crowd hates, you know, REAL hip-hop, then we might have hope.

  4. Congress is made up of Democrats and Rep. and you need both parties to pass a law? so what difference does it make? A law that is passed that doesn’t benefit minorities you think All the democrats voted no.. Shut up about what party you would join.. They both the same

  5. Does everyone forgot how loyal the black community is to the democratic party?
    If Barack was getting these numbers as a republican then you can blame race.

  6. they haven’t got worst at all. the economy has been first maintained and then secondly gradually improved under obama. bush was all downhill. people are just impatient and think things can get 100% better overnight. bush got us TRILLIONS in debt. give credit when credit is due to obama. he’s not perfect but is the lesser of two evils,

  7. Does+Barack+Obama+Still+Need+Hip+Hop%3F%0A%0ANo%EF%BB%BF+comment+for+the+nonsense.

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