uh oh! he done fucked up now Rick Ross!!! (Gangster Deciples Georgia)

nuttinbut69 asked:

Rick Ross Gangster Disciples


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  1. look at you bum ass niggaz yall look like you got aids lmao especially the bum ass nigga in the black doing all the talking. muthafucka sound like you have a dick in your mouth when you talk…..

  2. ….. i think i seen you out front of magic city suckin dick for bus fare broke ass bitch nigga…..any nigga can look hard and upload a video real
    gangsta’s conceal them selves go under the radar…..LARRY HOOVER CANT BE PROUD OF YOU FOOLS……YOU MADE A MISTAKE UPLOADING THIS WANKSTA SHIT……….

  3. you just a broke nigga jealous and wish you had what THE BOSS ROZAY got…. go to the dentist get them mule looking teeth fixed and SHUT YOUR MOUTH YOU AINT SHIT…….YA MIGHT WANNA LAY OF SMOKING ALL THAT CRACK………MMG ALL DAY …..FUCK 50 AND JEEZY…..

  4. quick question to all of you gd that mad at ross for the star on a mixtape, have u listened to the whole mixtape??? scratch that cause you all couldnt have listened because rick ross did the mixtape with a jew Rosenburg from hot 97. do your research dummies before you jump out there on youtube extorting and carring youself in a foolish manner!!

  5. All white people that’s on here need to fall back,I just saw the news ,about the dude killin the kids,black people don’t do shit like that,STOP THE WHITE ON WHITE KILLING

  6. White people really be doing some senseless killing,all the time,and want to act like we destroying the nation,smh GD for life

  7. MMG For Life Bitch Ass Niggas, Get On His Level No Money Havin Fucks, If They Could They Would Have Been Killed Him. But They Cant, Rîcky ROZAY We Got You.

  8. Rick Should just go into hiding for a minute and let this cool down. Because by the looks of it he cant do any shows without GD’s showing up. Or i guess just pay em off.

  9. The problem when they do manage to kill his fat ass, the media is gonna glorify him as the next Biggie and shit!!!

  10. ya’ll boy officer Ricky really bout’ to get touched! once again,anybody that knows me personally,i told yah niggas 2years back,right after lil faggy wayne got checked,but yall just won’t heard me!! s-m-h!!

  11. How would you feel if a fat fuck Rick Ross took your name and label, then made millions off your shit. Rick Ross in trouble the Gd’s are everywhere.

  12. Fast Lane Street Credentials-Rap and Street Education

    I’m glad the GD is taking a stand against these weak ass rappers! Real brotha’s in the street taking real penitentiary chances. These fake ass “studio gangsters” Rick Ross, Jay Z (the original BLUE PRINT is also Larry Hoovers) perpetuate and project negative ghetto fabulous images while the youth n the black community seek 2 emulate these poor role models and are continually victimized by police brutality and drug violence and prison time. Doesn’t Jay Z owe money 4 the use of “The Blue Print?”

  13. What a bunch of corny ass losers. Get some balls and be real men. Looking like a bunch of house niggaz lol. Get a fuckin life already. If you’re purpose in life is to destroy your own people just do us all a favor & kill yourselves! NIGGAZ need to stop this weak shit. I could give a fuck about what the nextman is doing, I’m too busy living that stress free fly life. THAT’S real, not crying like a bunch of lil Faggs. Put these hos on a barge & send them to IRAQ or AFGHANISTAN BET THEY FOLD

  14. Ross Made His Bed.. Now He Gotta Lay In It. Thats Why I Dont Claim That Gangsta Shit. U Box Urself Into A Corner That Way

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