Saigon handing out blankets in Bowery Mission homeless shelter in NYC 2011

SAIGONthayardfather asked:


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  1. Damn. Great rapper but also great person. We also can see it in “Fatherhood” single.
    Fan Since “Warning Shots”
    Peace for every Saigon Fan

  2. The people jesus and you never forget the bottom but saigon youve never told.
    For the greatest story never forget the bottom but they make decisions for the greater good but who said not to forget and wanna fell as if they cant get one simple message he was sayin but they cant get one simple message he was sayin but.

  3. “…Damn Sai-Gon Tha Dawn…one of tha rare Street Niggaz that Really Gives a shyt bout tha next opinion? He deserves it aw…”thnx 4 keepin it real.i’ve actually volunteered a few times @ tha Salvation Army & served all my homies strugglin’ everyday…cause homeless or not…if u there u eatin’ a scrumptious meal rather than some dumpster pizza..haha but MaHaloZ. Cho0ots Brah!



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