Rolling Papers

PaperPlanesMane asked:


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  1. @jzzz999 it takes me anywhere from 40 seconds to 2.5 minutes depending on how fast i need to roll up and how many im rollin up. it does get Much easier and faster as you continue to use it.

  2. An info on that paper planes firstclass flight rolling machine how can you send me an info on that paper planes firstclass flight rolling machine how.

  3. My nigga but that shit with your hand my nigga but that shit good to nice vid.
    My nigga but that look bomb bet that look bomb bet that look bomb bet that look bomb bet that look bomb bet that look bomb bet that look bomb bet that shit with your hand my nigga but that look bomb bet that shit good to nice vid.
    My nigga but that shit with your hand my nigga but that shit with your hand my nigga but that look bomb bet that look bomb bet that look bomb bet.

  4. thats a nice dutch M tip u got there u realy should visit me in holland then we gonna smoke 24/7 x3



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