EXTREAM BLING- BURN IT DOWN (RIP Mike Brown, Trayvon Martin)

bosssquadent asked:

Fast Lane Street Credentials-


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  1. The irony of this guy making a whole track and video against the system and
    wearing an American flag at the same time…

  2. Well this isn’t going to get us far in life
    cuz there are still nice cops in Ferguson
    And even if there isnt a nice cop any
    where. Do you really have to stoop
    To their level

  3. You guys wanna know who the real racists are it’s the blacks every time one
    of them gets killed it doesn’t matter what it is they jump to conclusions
    and scream racism

  4. … please don’t ever sing again… like EVER you can’t rap… and you
    probably have never touched a gun… please try community college or
    something i beg you

  5. These comments should stay pretty entertaining as this gains momentum. All
    you “debating” fools are the real MVPs.

  6. The “Thug” got what he had coming. Moral to the story….dont steal and
    dont assault a police officer. 

  7. love it thumbs up i rather my people make music to fight this racist ass
    system vs making music that supports us killing each other salute “burn it
    down burn it down to the fucking ground”

  8. Frames chipped cops in Ferguson and detachment Berkut deterrent Nazis in
    Kiev – are completely different things, partner, do not speculate on the
    moment, better fold verse about the beauty of her eyes, and I’ll look at
    your free instrumental mixtape and make it even better, to keep thee
    God. Skill mastery, but the truth is the truth.

  9. Word of advice. …take the money that you spent on your “bling” and get
    the fuck out…duh common sense

  10. I bet you don’t give a fucking damn about those young brothers that died.
    Fucking opportunist, waste of space, scum.

  11. The rate the police goin we dead anyway at less we picking how we going to
    die. And that fighting. 

  12. Absolutely the worst song I ever heard.. This guy must be a total idiot..
    That is the difference between a black guy and a nigger.. Just so everyone
    knows… Definition of the word nigger is a person or stupidly or
    ignorance.. If he was white I would’ve said the same thing.. But what would
    posses you to put this out? Do you think this is gonna get somewhere? You
    think your word will encourage people to burn there city to the ground..
    LOL your dumber then you looked jumping around in your mom’s driveway
    throwing your hands around pretending to be a thug.. #whatAClown… 

  13. Black on black crime apparently isn’t the bigger issue… statistically
    heart disease. …diabetes. ..then black on black crime kills most black
    men…take on the bigger issue…or shut the fuck up

  14. “Burn it down… Burn it down to the ground.” Make your neighborhood into a
    ghost town then cry a year from now talking about no one cares about the
    black community. You’re encouraging people to hurt the communities that
    they live in. What’s going to happen after you “burn it down”? Who’s going
    to rebuild? I can hear it now, “the government don’t care about us because
    we need help. We don’t have supermarkets or housing. No one wants to come
    here because the white man. It’s his fault. He made us riot and destroy our

  15. Why not make the same effort for all the black on black crime? When a black
    guy kills a black guy no one riots or protest. But when a white man kills a
    black guy it’s time to “burn it down”! 

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