Lil Bibby dropped by Sway in the Morning. ..


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  1. All these dude from the hood and females need is true love real shit. U see
    how excited he got at the end how they would do that for him. Im from that
    life i understand

  2. I use to think like him I thought having a job was being
    weak or something but I wasn’t gone sell drugs so
    I had to get jobs they gotta realize selling drugs is a trap!!!!

  3. tragic
    but.. there is something special about this kid… i hope he does something
    positive with his life… 

  4. Totally secure because of TSA??? hahahaha Sway can be a fucking idiot…the
    TSA is a joke…nazi scumbags

  5. Bibby’s smart prolly why he didn’t say much, I give him a few more years to
    fully grow mentally and he gonna be a REAL artist from the nois, he can
    actually rap got a great voice 4 as well

  6. the dude below me is retarted…if you saw the Documentary about would know why he raps…the streets raised him..he was smart
    enough to get out 

  7. It was really funny seeing Sway and company try to get some complicated,
    socioeconomic/geopolitical answers from Bibby as to why young teens in Chi
    town are so embroiled in violence. I think I’m becoming a fan of Bibby
    because he put it so bluntly, so simply, in a sincere way that only someone
    from Chicago at that age could put it. A good question may have been
    whether any of their parents want them to go to school and actually care,
    but either way, the answer probably would’ve been one of indifference. I
    think we got some insight into the mentality: “we don’t care, we don’t want
    a job, we think school is a waste of time, one day a time.” The beauty is
    when the answer is as simple as that.

  8. This is a kid who needs people other than the streets to believe in him and
    show him a better way of life! I’m glad sway and HeatherB challenged him to
    get his degree! Kids like this only respond to a challenge! Maybe if his
    parents challenged him to do better he would have finished high school! But
    let’s not forget Beyoncé has NO HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA! #nufSaid 

  9. Fast Lane Street Credentials-Rap and Street Education

    People like this kid are exactly what brings urban areas down. They don’t
    work and don’t go to school because they don’t want to. Instead they tear
    down society. Then they ask for money to be distributed to them. Fuck that.
    Look to Logic or any other rap who isn’t a bum mutherfucker like that… 

  10. Nigga don’t wanna work, don’t wanna go to school, but I’m supposed to feel
    sorry that he caught up in the streets, foh

  11. I like this dude, seems real kick back but can be ruthless at the same time
    and mostly he doesn’t seem fake like most rappers these days.

  12. I hope he looks into doing that final credit. That would be a really good
    look. I know education isn’t the be all and end all of life but it is so
    important and valuable. It would be nice if a street dude like him could at
    least complete his high school education and inspire inner city kids who
    look up to him to do the same.

  13. The problem is these kids are lazy nowadays and don’t want to do any type
    of hard work. That goes for a job and school. Besides they don’t see those
    types of annual salaries as enticing enough because they got dreams of
    living lavish. They see the videos, hear the lyrics, see the “rap
    lifestyles” and have this perception that they can attain all of that and
    that it’s possible for them to do the same. With a thought process like
    that and no positive influences around that’s what happens. 

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