Michael Brown had hands raised when he was shot, Witnesses say

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  1. ROFLMAO! when it comes to hoods they face mass confusion on fathers day
    LOL! when it comes to any event you can always bank on 1 thing as a fact!
    negros lie! lol

  2. interesting how NMANewsDirect allows comments here, but not on their other
    video trying to sell news graphics animation. As they state in the other
    video ” this is how you can tell your story”. That’s exactly what this
    video is here…. A “Story”…

  3. The car widow according to dorian and micheal brown was in suv secondly its alleged that officer wilson approached them from behind and last but.

  4. If he was surrendering then why did the autopsy report show fragments from
    the gun barrel that you can only get from close range on Michael brown’s

  5. Police are not allowed to shoot an unarmed fleeing suspect. But cops also
    have the 20 second rule if you can get to a cop w/in 20seconds and proved
    to be a threat they can shoot

  6. Ok, totally mistaken. It was a police SUV and not a car.
    Brown’s body is a minimum of 90′ from the vehicle according to the
    construction worker but 100′ minimum according to google maps, but 35′ from
    the nearest shell casing. The police and their attempt of a cover up are
    intentionally obfuscating that fact.
    There was a shot fired from inside the vehicle admitted to by the police
    press conference and the eyewitness, Dorian claims that Mike Brown was hit
    possibly in the chest because of blood splatter but I believe that is when
    he was hit in the hand.
    Officer Wilson fired 4 shots in the final volley according to the audio but
    Mike Brown was hit 6 times. All witnesses say that Mike Brown didn’t turn
    around till that first volley finished and then raised his hands. So at
    best, Mike Brown was hit 2 times before he turned around which is
    consistent with the witness statements of him being hit from behind and
    then shot to death while surrendering.
    He wasn’t struck in the arm all 4 times. He had been struck under his arm
    and that likely happened because he raised his arms up while turning to his
    right which would have made much of his right side center mass.

  7. The most unleading thing is that officer wilson was in a car. No he was in
    a SUV so this video is FALSE

  8. its amazing how all the media is trying to portray brown as something he
    isn’t …. they all forget to mention that he punched the officer in the
    face collapsing his orbital they just so happen forget to make his model
    the size that he was (6 4 300 pds ) I like the touch too how they
    made the officer fat ….

  9. The one thing this video could have gotten right they completely screwed up.

    Michael Brown was 6’4″ and weighed 290 lbs. He was easily TWICE the size
    of fellow thug, Dorian Johnson.

    If you look @0:01 this video had the audacity to portray Michael Brown as
    SMALLER than Dorian Johnson.

    Why would they misinform the YouTube audience this way?

    The answer is obvious @0:20. For Officer Darren Wilson to “grab Brown by
    the neck and ‘pull’ him toward him” becomes absurd when Michael Brown is
    much larger than Officer Wilson.

  10. This animation is very premature. Turns out the SUV was parked ACROSS the
    street blocking traffic , not parallel with the street. The door was never
    opened until after Michael began running away and the ”struggle” took
    place through the window of the closed driver side of the police SUV
    according to witnesses. Now they are saying that TWO shots were fired
    inside the vehicle and Michael Brown received a superficial grazing wound
    to the bottom, palm side of his right thumb. Tiffany Mitchell, 27, who had
    just driven around the corner onto the street to pick up her employee, was
    about 15′ away and saw everything including the struggle through the window
    of the police SUV. She said that Darren Wilson was pulling Michael INTO the
    car and Michael was trying to pull away from him. When he finally got
    away, he started running and Wilson jumped out of his car with his gun in
    his hand and began shooting immediately at the same time he was chasing
    Michael. Ms Mitchell is a very credible witness and she states that she saw
    Michael [who she never knew] jerk and turn around with his hands not way up
    in the air but his palms displayed out in front of him showing that he was
    unarmed. She said the officer was CHASING MICHAEL and kept shooting at him
    as he went down. She doesn’t say how far the officer got to Michael when
    the final shots were fired but it sounds like he was fairly close because
    she said he just kept shooting into him until Michael hit the ground. The
    autopsy shows that he shot him twice in the head, once right at the apex of
    his head and once through the eye, 4 times up the right arm including one
    in his right bicep. There were a total of 8 entry wounds to Michael’s body
    and another 4 bullets were found in the grass and in a house near by.

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