Connecticut elementary school shooting – one of the worst massacres in US history


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  12. Oh what about the 1 million Iraqi children killed in cold blood by america you expect me to feel sorry when 27 of them die.Not fair not fair at all


    Where Marijuana is illegal but weapons and ammunition are legal as water.

    Legalize Marijuana idiots and prohibit gun sale, I’m 100% positive that this country would be more peaceful, richer, and the leader of the western world once again. If you want a gun, we got a uniform and boots for you to go with it.

  14. I Love it when Americans die… I love it with a passion..

    Notice how they call this a “Massacre” not a “Terrorist attack”. It gives it away that this killer wasnt a muslim and most likely a christian. Whats his religion guys???????????????????? No comment huh… No one knowsssss

    Brainwashd dogs

  15. Expect cnn to be freaking the fuck out about this and gun control for the next few weeks.

  16. What.
    Why are people saying that it happened in America so it doesn’t matter? They were young children! No one should feel like they deserved to die! You sick fucks are the reason this world is like this. I almost hope the world ends so you assholes could die, but that would mean the deaths of more innocents.

  17. If that is true…wouldn’t that mean that we Black guys are used to failure and thus can relate to failure…and many White guys not so much, hence…the killing rampages? Blacks from Detroit to Chicago are killing each other up like video games. That’s what crazy Black men do. Murder everybody at a public gathering and then turn the gun on oneself seems to be what crazy White men do..However, the reasons are different. Blacks are in survival mode…Whites are in panic mode.

  18. Don’t minimize these children deaths. I beg you. I feel pain for all of the innocents lost in senseless acts. I understand your anger and pain. Believe me, but don’t blame these children. They were too young to understand the why we go to war. They didn’t understand my parents and my generations wrong doings. They are innocent, just as those voiceless innocents in Iraq, In Syria, or Afghanistan. I just want Peace. I just want to live in peace.

  19. Look. There are anti-war and anti-MIC Americans who resent the claim that we remain ignorant and alienated from the brutalities and criminal acts of our Illegal Wars. I am sickened every minute of the day, consumed with the idea that our society is responsible for such heinous ethos that has been created due to fear and insecurities. We are not all ignorant and confined to the consumerist facade that dulls down the majority, and chokes voice of the minority.


  21. Of course. I’m not disagreeing. It’s a statement of sarcasm really just to illustrate the idea of “white privilege” to the point of absurd ridiculousness which it is objectively because melanin and skull shape has no correlation to cognitive abilities.

  22. So, why did he kill his mother; Is this Adam Lanza a patsy, just as Lee Harvey Oswald? So the shooters dead and the mother; who would have known the shooter better than his mother and have been capable of defending his innocence. I hope I am wrong; I am greatly concerned that I could be right. Was the shooter a “Manchurian Candidate? And right before Christmas; when we love a holiday with children opening presents. The ugly thought: the “new world odor” wouldn’t blink an eyelid at killing them!

  23. No, it was terror. No I am no brainwashed. I am sickened of the lack of empathy and all of the horrendous hatred that is being tossed around due to ignorance and misconceptions.
    We are not all ignorant. Some of us don’t condone the U.S and it’s bellicose nature, but we are a minority and are viewed as unpatriotic and are ostracized.
    But this is not about us. It is about the poor innocents who were murdered by a sick terrorist. I can care less of religion and politics. I care for those little

  24. There is a special place where killers of children go in the afterlife, a place where there is weeping of gnashing of teeth in outer darkness, where the worm does not die, and the fire is never quenched. Believe it!

  25. children’s lives that were lost due to a selfish, insecure, psychopath.

    I will light 27 candles in the memory of these innocents. And 2 more for the victims in my home state of Oregon. All of you are in my hearts. It pains me to my core.

  26. Yeap the world is coming to an end…..prob not December 21 but it is really close. God bless their lives

  27. you don’t think criminals will just ignore the gun ban? All that will do is disarm all the lawful citizens who want to protect themselves.

    Legalize cannabis is a must though.


  28. No.. Barack Hussein Obama..better known as the MUTHER FUCKING WARLORD FUCKING NIGGER has commited much more heinous crimes…with the taxpayers money…

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